FacetIndexingParams iParams = new DefaultFacetIndexingParams(clp);
Directory indexDir = newDirectory();
Directory taxoDir = newDirectory();
populateIndex(iParams, indexDir, taxoDir);
TaxonomyReader taxo = new LuceneTaxonomyReader(taxoDir);
IndexReader reader = IndexReader.open(indexDir);
CategoryListCache clCache = null;
if (cacheCLI) {
// caching the iteratorr, so:
// 1: create the cached iterator, using original params
clCache = new CategoryListCache();
clCache.loadAndRegister(clp, reader, taxo, iParams);
ScoredDocIDs allDocs = ScoredDocIdsUtils
// Search index with 'author' should filter ONLY ordinals whose parent
// is 'author'
countForbiddenDimension = "date";
validateFacetedSearch(iParams, taxo, reader, clCache, allDocs, "author", 5, 5);
// Search index with 'date' should filter ONLY ordinals whose parent is
// 'date'
countForbiddenDimension = "author";
validateFacetedSearch(iParams, taxo, reader, clCache, allDocs, "date", 5, 2);
// Search index with both 'date' and 'author'
countForbiddenDimension = null;
validateFacetedSearch(iParams, taxo, reader, clCache, allDocs, new String[] {
"author", "date" }, new int[] { 5, 5 }, new int[] { 5, 2 });