// merge given top K results into current
public IntermediateFacetResult mergeResults(IntermediateFacetResult... tmpResults) throws IOException {
int ordinal = taxonomyReader.getOrdinal(facetRequest.getCategoryPath());
MutableFacetResultNode resNode = new MutableFacetResultNode(ordinal, 0);
int totalFacets = 0;
Heap<FacetResultNode> heap = null;
// merge other results in queue
for (IntermediateFacetResult tmpFres : tmpResults) {
// cast should succeed
TopKFacetResult fres = (TopKFacetResult) tmpFres;
totalFacets += fres.getNumValidDescendants();
// set the value for the result node representing the facet request
Heap<FacetResultNode> tmpHeap = fres.getHeap();
if (heap == null) {
heap = tmpHeap;
// bring sub results from heap of tmp res into result heap
for (int i = tmpHeap.size(); i > 0; i--) {
FacetResultNode a = heap.insertWithOverflow(tmpHeap.pop());
if (a != null) {
TopKFacetResult res = new TopKFacetResult(facetRequest, resNode, totalFacets);