TaxonomyReader taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
// Count both "Publish Date" and "Author" dimensions, in
// drill-down:
FacetSearchParams fsp = new FacetSearchParams(
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Publish Date"), 10),
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Author"), 10));
// Simple case: drill-down on a single field; in this
// case the drill-sideways + drill-down counts ==
// drill-down of just the query:
DrillDownQuery ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"));
DrillSidewaysResult r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(2, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2012=1 2010=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=2 Frank=1 Susan=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Same simple case, but no baseQuery (pure browse):
// drill-down on a single field; in this case the
// drill-sideways + drill-down counts == drill-down of
// just the query:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams);
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(2, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2012=1 2010=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=2 Frank=1 Susan=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Another simple case: drill-down on on single fields
// but OR of two values
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"), new CategoryPath("Author", "Bob"));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(3, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is only drill-down: Lisa and Bob
// (drill-down) published twice in 2010 and once in 2012:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2010=2 2012=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=2 Frank=1 Susan=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// More interesting case: drill-down on two fields
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"));
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Publish Date", "2010"));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(1, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published once in 2010 and once in 2012:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2012=1 2010=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down:
// only Lisa & Bob published (once each) in 2010:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Even more interesting case: drill down on two fields,
// but one of them is OR
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
// Drill down on Lisa or Bob:
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"),
new CategoryPath("Author", "Bob"));
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Publish Date", "2010"));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(2, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is both drill-sideways + drill-down:
// Lisa or Bob published twice in 2010 and once in 2012:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2010=2 2012=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down:
// only Lisa & Bob published (once each) in 2010:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Test drilling down on invalid field:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Foobar", "Baz"));
fsp = new FacetSearchParams(
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Publish Date"), 10),
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Foobar"), 10));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(0, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
assertEquals("Publish Date:", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
assertEquals("Foobar:", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Test drilling down on valid term or'd with invalid term:
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new MatchAllDocsQuery());
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"),
new CategoryPath("Author", "Tom"));
fsp = new FacetSearchParams(
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Publish Date"), 10),
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Author"), 10));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);
assertEquals(2, r.hits.totalHits);
assertEquals(2, r.facetResults.size());
// Publish Date is only drill-down, and Lisa published
// one in 2012 and one in 2010:
assertEquals("Publish Date: 2012=1 2010=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(0)));
// Author is drill-sideways + drill-down: Lisa
// (drill-down) published twice, and Frank/Susan/Bob
// published once:
assertEquals("Author: Lisa=2 Frank=1 Susan=1 Bob=1", toString(r.facetResults.get(1)));
// Test main query gets null scorer:
fsp = new FacetSearchParams(
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Publish Date"), 10),
new CountFacetRequest(new CategoryPath("Author"), 10));
ddq = new DrillDownQuery(fsp.indexingParams, new TermQuery(new Term("foobar", "baz")));
ddq.add(new CategoryPath("Author", "Lisa"));
r = new DrillSideways(searcher, taxoReader).search(null, ddq, 10, fsp);