// Writes facet ords to a separate directory from the
// main index:
DirectoryTaxonomyWriter taxoWriter = new DirectoryTaxonomyWriter(taxoDir, IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE);
RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir);
FacetsConfig config = new FacetsConfig();
// Reused across documents, to add the necessary facet
// fields:
Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(new IntField("num", 10, Field.Store.NO));
doc.add(new FacetField("Author", "Bob"));
writer.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.add(new IntField("num", 20, Field.Store.NO));
doc.add(new FacetField("Author", "Lisa"));
writer.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.add(new IntField("num", 30, Field.Store.NO));
doc.add(new FacetField("Author", "Lisa"));
writer.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.add(new IntField("num", 40, Field.Store.NO));
doc.add(new FacetField("Author", "Susan"));
writer.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));
doc = new Document();
doc.add(new IntField("num", 45, Field.Store.NO));
doc.add(new FacetField("Author", "Frank"));
writer.addDocument(config.build(taxoWriter, doc));
// NRT open
IndexSearcher searcher = newSearcher(writer.getReader());
// NRT open
TaxonomyReader taxoReader = new DirectoryTaxonomyReader(taxoWriter);
// Aggregate the facet counts:
FacetsCollector c = new FacetsCollector();
// MatchAllDocsQuery is for "browsing" (counts facets
// for all non-deleted docs in the index); normally
// you'd use a "normal" query and one of the
// Facets.search utility methods:
searcher.search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), c);
TaxonomyFacetSumValueSource facets = new TaxonomyFacetSumValueSource(taxoReader, new FacetsConfig(), c, new IntFieldSource("num"));
// Retrieve & verify results:
assertEquals("dim=Author path=[] value=145.0 childCount=4\n Lisa (50.0)\n Frank (45.0)\n Susan (40.0)\n Bob (10.0)\n", facets.getTopChildren(10, "Author").toString());