// 2. we test this value later
CountingHighlighterTestTask.numHighlightedResults = 0;
CountingHighlighterTestTask.numDocsRetrieved = 0;
// 3. execute the algorithm (required in every "logic" test)
Benchmark benchmark = execBenchmark(algLines);
// 4. test specific checks after the benchmark run completed.
assertEquals("TestSearchTask was supposed to be called!",147,CountingHighlighterTestTask.numDocsRetrieved);
//pretty hard to figure out a priori how many docs are going to have highlighted fragments returned, but we can never have more than the number of docs
//we probably should use a different doc/query maker, but...
assertTrue("TestSearchTask was supposed to be called!", CountingHighlighterTestTask.numDocsRetrieved >= CountingHighlighterTestTask.numHighlightedResults && CountingHighlighterTestTask.numHighlightedResults > 0);
assertTrue("Index does not exist?...!", IndexReader.indexExists(benchmark.getRunData().getDirectory()));
// now we should be able to open the index for write.
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(benchmark.getRunData().getDirectory(),null,false,IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED);
IndexReader ir = IndexReader.open(benchmark.getRunData().getDirectory());
assertEquals("1000 docs were added to the index, this is what we expect to find!",1000,ir.numDocs());