if (true)
final Logger logger = parser.getLogger();
try {
// Create an instance of the Jalopy bean
Class clazz = ObjectUtil.classForName("de.hunsicker.jalopy.Jalopy");
Object prettifier = clazz.newInstance();
// Set the input file
Method input = clazz.getMethod("setInput", new Class[]{File.class});
input.invoke(prettifier, new Object[]{file});
// Set the output file
Method output = clazz.getMethod("setOutput", new Class[]{File.class});
output.invoke(prettifier, new Object[]{file});
Class clazz2 = ObjectUtil.classForName("de.hunsicker.jalopy.storage.Convention");
Method instance = clazz2.getMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{});
Object settings = instance.invoke(null, new Object[]{});
Class clazz3 = ObjectUtil.classForName("de.hunsicker.jalopy.storage.ConventionKeys");
Field field = clazz3.getField("COMMENT_JAVADOC_PARSE");
Object key = field.get(null);
Method put = clazz2.getMethod("put", new Class[]{ key.getClass(), String.class});
put.invoke(settings, new Object[]{key, "true"});
// format and overwrite the given input file
Method format = clazz.getMethod("format", new Class[]{});
format.invoke(prettifier, new Object[]{});
logger.info("prettyprinted " + file);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
logger.debug("unable to prettyprint: " + file, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.debug("unable to prettyprint: " + file, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.debug("unable to prettyprint: " + file, t);