String msg = "Access to user account '" + dn + "' not permitted";
msg += " for user '" + principalDn + "'. Only the admin can";
msg += " access user account information";
throw new LdapNoPermissionException( msg );
if ( dn.size() > 2 && dn.startsWith( GROUP_BASE_DN ) )
// allow for self reads
if ( dn.toString().equals( principalDn.toString() ) )
String msg = "Access to group '" + dn + "' not permitted";
msg += " for user '" + principalDn + "'. Only the admin can";
msg += " access group information";
throw new LdapNoPermissionException( msg );
if ( dn.equals( ADMIN_DN ) )
// allow for self reads
if ( dn.toString().equals( principalDn.toString() ) )
String msg = "Access to admin account not permitted for user '";
msg += principalDn + "'. Only the admin can";
msg += " access admin account information";
throw new LdapNoPermissionException( msg );