protected void recoverIndex(Transaction tx) throws IOException {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// It is possible index updates got applied before the journal updates..
// in that case we need to removed references to messages that are not in the journal
final Location lastAppendLocation = journal.getLastAppendLocation();
long undoCounter=0;
// Go through all the destinations to see if they have messages past the lastAppendLocation
for (StoredDestination sd : storedDestinations.values()) {
final ArrayList<Long> matches = new ArrayList<Long>();
// Find all the Locations that are >= than the last Append Location.
sd.locationIndex.visit(tx, new BTreeVisitor.GTEVisitor<Location, Long>(lastAppendLocation) {
protected void matched(Location key, Long value) {
for (Long sequenceId : matches) {
MessageKeys keys = sd.orderIndex.remove(tx, sequenceId);
sd.locationIndex.remove(tx, keys.location);
sd.messageIdIndex.remove(tx, keys.messageId);
// TODO: do we need to modify the ack positions for the pub sub case?
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
if( undoCounter > 0 ) {
// The rolledback operations are basically in flight journal writes. To avoid getting these the end user
// should do sync writes to the journal."Rolled back " + undoCounter + " messages from the index in " + ((end - start) / 1000.0f) + " seconds.");
undoCounter = 0;
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Lets be extra paranoid here and verify that all the datafiles being referenced
// by the indexes still exists.
final SequenceSet ss = new SequenceSet();
for (StoredDestination sd : storedDestinations.values()) {
// Use a visitor to cut down the number of pages that we load
sd.locationIndex.visit(tx, new BTreeVisitor<Location, Long>() {
int last=-1;
public boolean isInterestedInKeysBetween(Location first, Location second) {
if( first==null ) {
return !ss.contains(0, second.getDataFileId());
} else if( second==null ) {
return true;
} else {
return !ss.contains(first.getDataFileId(), second.getDataFileId());
public void visit(List<Location> keys, List<Long> values) {
for (Location l : keys) {
int fileId = l.getDataFileId();
if( last != fileId ) {
last = fileId;
HashSet<Integer> missingJournalFiles = new HashSet<Integer>();
while( !ss.isEmpty() ) {
missingJournalFiles.add( (int)ss.removeFirst() );
missingJournalFiles.removeAll( journal.getFileMap().keySet() );
if( !missingJournalFiles.isEmpty() ) {"Some journal files are missing: "+missingJournalFiles);
ArrayList<BTreeVisitor.Predicate<Location>> missingPredicates = new ArrayList<BTreeVisitor.Predicate<Location>>();
for (Integer missing : missingJournalFiles) {
missingPredicates.add(new BTreeVisitor.BetweenVisitor<Location, Long>(new Location(missing,0), new Location(missing+1,0)));
if ( checkForCorruptJournalFiles ) {
Collection<DataFile> dataFiles = journal.getFileMap().values();
for (DataFile dataFile : dataFiles) {
int id = dataFile.getDataFileId();
missingPredicates.add(new BTreeVisitor.BetweenVisitor<Location, Long>(new Location(id,dataFile.getLength()), new Location(id+1,0)));
Sequence seq = dataFile.getCorruptedBlocks().getHead();
while( seq!=null ) {
missingPredicates.add(new BTreeVisitor.BetweenVisitor<Location, Long>(new Location(id, (int) seq.getFirst()), new Location(id, (int) seq.getLast()+1)));
seq = seq.getNext();