SimpleLearner sl = new SimpleLearner(ftsl);
long startZxid = sl.zk.getLastProcessedZxid();
// Set up bogus streams
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BinaryOutputArchive oa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(baos);
sl.leaderOs = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
// make streams and socket do something innocuous
sl.bufferedOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(System.out);
sl.sock = new Socket();
// fake messages from the server
QuorumPacket qp = new QuorumPacket(Leader.SNAP, 0, null, null);
oa.writeRecord(qp, null);
oa.writeString("BenWasHere", "signature");
TxnHeader hdr = new TxnHeader(0, 0, 0, 0, ZooDefs.OpCode.create);
CreateTxn txn = new CreateTxn("/foo", new byte[0], new ArrayList<ACL>(), false, sl.zk.getZKDatabase().getNode("/").stat.getCversion());
ByteArrayOutputStream tbaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
BinaryOutputArchive boa = BinaryOutputArchive.getArchive(tbaos);
hdr.serialize(boa, "hdr");
txn.serialize(boa, "txn");
qp = new QuorumPacket(Leader.PROPOSAL, 1, tbaos.toByteArray(), null);
oa.writeRecord(qp, null);