PublisherAssertion assertion = (PublisherAssertion)assertionVector.elementAt(i);
// make sure we've got a 'fromKey'
String fromKey = assertion.getFromKey();
if ((fromKey == null) || (fromKey.length() == 0))
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// make sure we've got a 'toKey'
String toKey = assertion.getToKey();
if ((toKey == null) || (toKey.length() == 0))
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// make sure we've got a 'KeyedRefernce'
KeyedReference keyedRef = assertion.getKeyedReference();
if (keyedRef == null)
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// make sure the 'KeyedRefernce' contains a 'TModelKey'
String tModelKey = keyedRef.getTModelKey();
if ((tModelKey == null) || (tModelKey.length() == 0))
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// verify that the BusinessEntities or tModel identified by the 'fromKey'
// really exists. If not then throw an InvalidKeyPassedException.
if ((!dataStore.isValidBusinessKey(fromKey)) && (!dataStore.isValidTModelKey(fromKey)))
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// verify that the BusinessEntitys or tModel identified by the 'fromKey'
// really exists. If not then throw an InvalidKeyPassedException.
if ((!dataStore.isValidBusinessKey(toKey)) && (!dataStore.isValidTModelKey(toKey)))
throw new InvalidKeyPassedException("add_publisherAssertion: "+
// verify that the 'publisherID' controls at least one of the
// BusinessEntities or TModels that are identified in this
// assertion. If not then throw a UserMismatchException.