Package org.apache.juddi.datatype.response

Examples of org.apache.juddi.datatype.response.TModelInfos

      // validate request parameters
      // nothing that requires validation has been identified

      // declare some 'work' variables
      BusinessInfos businessInfos = new BusinessInfos();
      TModelInfos tModelInfos = new TModelInfos();
      Vector keyVector = null;
      Vector infoVector = null;

      // perform the search for BusinessEntities registered to publisherID
      keyVector = dataStore.findRegisteredBusinesses(publisherID);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();

        // iterate through the business entity keys fetching each associated BusinessInfo.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)


      // perform the search for TModels registered to publisherID
      keyVector = dataStore.findRegisteredTModels(publisherID);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();

        // iterate through the tModel keys fetching each associated TModelInfo.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)



      // create a new BusinessInfos instance and stuff
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      handler = maker.lookup(BusinessInfosHandler.TAG_NAME);

    TModelInfos tInfos = info.getTModelInfos();
    if (tInfos!=null)
      handler = maker.lookup(TModelInfosHandler.TAG_NAME);
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    TModelInfo tInfo = new TModelInfo();
    tInfo.setName(new Name("RegInfoTestDriver"));

    TModelInfos tInfos = new TModelInfos();

    RegisteredInfo info = new RegisteredInfo();
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        ((identifierBag == null) || (identifierBag.size() == 0)) &&
        ((categoryBag == null)   || (categoryBag.size() == 0)))
      TModelList list = new TModelList();
      list.setTModelInfos(new TModelInfos());
      return list;

    // Validate CategoryBag and (if neccessary) add TModelKey for: uddiorg:general_keywords
    if (categoryBag != null)
      Vector keyedRefVector = categoryBag.getKeyedReferenceVector();
      if (keyedRefVector != null)
        int vectorSize = keyedRefVector.size();
        if (vectorSize > 0)
          for (int i=0; i<vectorSize; i++)
            KeyedReference keyedRef = (KeyedReference)keyedRefVector.elementAt(i);
            String key = keyedRef.getTModelKey();
            // A null or zero-length tModelKey is treated as
            // though the tModelKey for uddiorg:general_keywords
            // had been specified.
            if ((key == null) || (key.trim().length() == 0))
    // aquire a jUDDI datastore instance
    DataStore dataStore = DataStoreFactory.getDataStore();


      // validate the 'name' parameters as much as possible up-front before
      // calling into the data layer for relational validation.
      if (tModelName != null)
        // names can not exceed the maximum character length specified by the
        // UDDI specification (v2.0 specifies a max character length of 255). This
        // value is configurable in jUDDI.
        int maxNameLength = Config.getMaxNameLengthAllowed();
        if (tModelName.length() > maxNameLength)
          throw new NameTooLongException(tModelName+" (max_name="+maxNameLength+")");

      // validate the 'qualifiers' parameter as much as possible up-front before
      // calling into the data layer for relational validation.
      if (qualifiers != null)
        Vector qVector = qualifiers.getFindQualifierVector();
        if ((qVector!=null) && (qVector.size() > 0))
          for (int i=0; i<qVector.size(); i++)
            FindQualifier qualifier = (FindQualifier)qVector.elementAt(i);
            String qValue = qualifier.getValue();

            if ((!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.EXACT_NAME_MATCH)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.CASE_SENSITIVE_MATCH)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.OR_ALL_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.OR_LIKE_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.AND_ALL_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_NAME_DESC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_DATE_ASC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_DATE_DESC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SERVICE_SUBSET)) &&
              throw new UnsupportedException("find_qualifier="+qValue);

      Vector infoVector = null;
      boolean truncatedResults = false;

      // perform the search for matching technical models (return only keys in requested order)
      Vector keyVector = dataStore.findTModel(tModelName,categoryBag,identifierBag,qualifiers);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        // if a maxRows value has been specified and it's less than
        // the number of rows we are about to return then only return
        // maxRows specified.
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();
        if ((maxRows > 0) && (maxRows < rowCount))
          rowCount = maxRows;
          truncatedResults = true;

        // iterate through the technical model keys fetching
        // each associated TModelInfo in sequence.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)


      // create a new TModelInfos instance and stuff
      // the new Vector of TModelInfos into it.
      TModelInfos infos = new TModelInfos();

      // create a new TModelList instance and
      // stuff the new tModelInfoVector into it.
      TModelList list = new TModelList();
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    boolean truncated = list.isTruncated();
    if (truncated)

    TModelInfos infos = list.getTModelInfos();
    if (infos != null)
      handler = maker.lookup(TModelInfosHandler.TAG_NAME);
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      // validate request parameters
      // nothing that requires validation has been identified

      // declare some 'work' variables
      BusinessInfos businessInfos = new BusinessInfos();
      TModelInfos tModelInfos = new TModelInfos();
      Vector keyVector = null;
      Vector infoVector = null;

      // perform the search for BusinessEntities registered to publisherID
      keyVector = dataStore.findRegisteredBusinesses(publisherID);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();

        // iterate through the business entity keys fetching each associated BusinessInfo.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)


      // perform the search for TModels registered to publisherID
      keyVector = dataStore.findRegisteredTModels(publisherID);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();

        // iterate through the tModel keys fetching each associated TModelInfo.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)



      // create a new BusinessInfos instance and stuff
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    this.maker = maker;

  public RegistryObject unmarshal(Element element)
    TModelInfos obj = new TModelInfos();
    Vector nodeList = null;
    AbstractHandler handler = null;

    // Attributes
    // {none}

    // Text Node Value
    // {none}

    // Child Elements
    nodeList = XMLUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(element,TModelInfoHandler.TAG_NAME);
    for (int i=0; i<nodeList.size(); i++)
      handler = maker.lookup(TModelInfoHandler.TAG_NAME);

    return obj;
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    return obj;

  public void marshal(RegistryObject object,Element parent)
    TModelInfos infos = (TModelInfos)object;
    Element element = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElement(TAG_NAME);
    AbstractHandler handler = null;

    Vector vector = infos.getTModelInfoVector();
    if ((vector!=null) && (vector.size() > 0))
      handler = maker.lookup(TModelInfoHandler.TAG_NAME);
      for (int i=0; i < vector.size(); i++)
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        ((identifierBag == null) || (identifierBag.size() == 0)) &&
        ((categoryBag == null)   || (categoryBag.size() == 0)))
      TModelList list = new TModelList();
      list.setTModelInfos(new TModelInfos());
      return list;

    // aquire a jUDDI datastore instance
    DataStore dataStore = DataStoreFactory.getDataStore();


      // validate the 'name' parameters as much as possible up-front before
      // calling into the data layer for relational validation.
      if (name != null)
        // names can not exceed the maximum character length specified by the
        // UDDI specification (v2.0 specifies a max character length of 255). This
        // value is configurable in jUDDI.
        int maxNameLength = Config.getMaxNameLengthAllowed();
        if (name.length() > maxNameLength)
          throw new NameTooLongException(name+" (max_name="+maxNameLength+")");

      // validate the 'qualifiers' parameter as much as possible up-front before
      // calling into the data layer for relational validation.
      if (qualifiers != null)
        Vector qVector = qualifiers.getFindQualifierVector();
        if ((qVector!=null) && (qVector.size() > 0))
          for (int i=0; i<qVector.size(); i++)
            FindQualifier qualifier = (FindQualifier)qVector.elementAt(i);
            String qValue = qualifier.getValue();

            if ((!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.EXACT_NAME_MATCH)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.CASE_SENSITIVE_MATCH)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.OR_ALL_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.OR_LIKE_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.AND_ALL_KEYS)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_NAME_ASC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_NAME_DESC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_DATE_ASC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SORT_BY_DATE_DESC)) &&
                (!qValue.equals(FindQualifier.SERVICE_SUBSET)) &&
              throw new UnsupportedException("find_qualifier="+qValue);

      Vector infoVector = null;
      boolean truncatedResults = false;

      // perform the search for matching technical models (return only keys in requested order)
      Vector keyVector = dataStore.findTModel(name,categoryBag,identifierBag,qualifiers);
      if ((keyVector != null) && (keyVector.size() > 0))
        // if a maxRows value has been specified and it's less than
        // the number of rows we are about to return then only return
        // maxRows specified.
        int rowCount = keyVector.size();
        if ((maxRows > 0) && (maxRows < rowCount))
          rowCount = maxRows;
          truncatedResults = true;

        // iterate through the technical model keys fetching
        // each associated TModelInfo in sequence.
        infoVector = new Vector(rowCount);
        for (int i=0; i<rowCount; i++)


      // create a new TModelInfos instance and stuff
      // the new Vector of TModelInfos into it.
      TModelInfos infos = new TModelInfos();

      // create a new TModelList instance and
      // stuff the new tModelInfoVector into it.
      TModelList list = new TModelList();
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      handler = maker.lookup(BusinessInfosHandler.TAG_NAME);

    TModelInfos tInfos = info.getTModelInfos();
    if (tInfos!=null)
      handler = maker.lookup(TModelInfosHandler.TAG_NAME);
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Related Classes of org.apache.juddi.datatype.response.TModelInfos

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