// has been handled by the sampler.setPath above, so we just need
// to do parse the rest of the request if it is not a GET request
if((!HTTPConstants.CONNECT.equals(request.getMethod())) && (!HTTPConstants.GET.equals(request.getMethod()))) {
// Check if it was a multipart http post request
final String contentType = request.getContentType();
MultipartUrlConfig urlConfig = request.getMultipartConfig(contentType);
String contentEncoding = sampler.getContentEncoding();
// Get the post data using the content encoding of the request
String postData = null;
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(contentEncoding)) {
log.debug("Using encoding " + contentEncoding + " for request body");
else {
log.debug("No encoding found, using JRE default encoding for request body");
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(contentEncoding)) {
postData = new String(request.getRawPostData(), contentEncoding);
} else {
// Use default encoding
postData = new String(request.getRawPostData(), PostWriter.ENCODING);
if (urlConfig != null) {
// Tell the sampler to do a multipart post
// Remove the header for content-type and content-length, since
// those values will most likely be incorrect when the sampler
// performs the multipart request, because the boundary string
// will change
// Set the form data
// Set the file uploads
// used when postData is pure xml (eg. an xml-rpc call) or for PUT
} else if (postData.trim().startsWith("<?") || "PUT".equals(sampler.getMethod())) {
sampler.addNonEncodedArgument("", postData, "");
} else if (contentType == null || contentType.startsWith(HTTPConstants.APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED) ){
// It is the most common post request, with parameter name and values