
Examples of


        // Create a remote principal and credentials
        InternalUserPrincipalImpl remotePrincipal = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(remoteUser);

         * The RemotePrincipal (class InternalUserPrincipal) will have a
         * fullPath that identifies the entry as an SSO credential. The entry
         * has to be unique for a site and principal (GROUP -or- USER ) an
         * therefore it needs to be encoded as following: The convention for the
         * path is the following: /sso/SiteID/{user|group}/{user name | group
         * name}/remote user name
        if (principalFullPath.indexOf("/group/") > -1)
            remotePrincipal.setFullPath("/sso/" + ssoSite.getSiteId() + "/group/" + principalName + "/" + remoteUser);
            remotePrincipal.setFullPath("/sso/" + ssoSite.getSiteId() + "/user/" + principalName + "/" + remoteUser);

        // New credential object for remote principal
        InternalCredentialImpl credential = new InternalCredentialImpl(remotePrincipal.getPrincipalId(), scrambledPwd, 0, DefaultPasswordCredentialImpl.class.getName());
        if (remotePrincipal.getCredentials() == null)
            remotePrincipal.setCredentials(new ArrayList(0));

        // Add it to Principals remotePrincipals list

        // Update the site remotePrincipals list
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    public void addUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal) throws SecurityException
        if ( null == securityAccess.getInternalUserPrincipal(userPrincipal.getName(), false) )
            securityAccess.setInternalUserPrincipal(new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(userPrincipal.getFullPath()), false);       
            throw new SecurityException(SecurityException.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS.create(userPrincipal.getName()));
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        boolean isMappingOnly = false;
        if (null == internalUser)
            // This is a record for mapping only.
            isMappingOnly = true;
            internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(UserPrincipalImpl.getFullPathFromPrincipalName(username));
        Collection internalRoles = internalUser.getRolePrincipals();
        // This should not be null. Check for null should be made by the caller.
        InternalRolePrincipal internalRole = commonQueries.getInternalRolePrincipal(RolePrincipalImpl
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        boolean isMappingOnly = false;
        if (null == internalUser)
            // This is a record for mapping only.
            isMappingOnly = true;
            internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(UserPrincipalImpl.getFullPathFromPrincipalName(username));
        Collection internalGroups = internalUser.getGroupPrincipals();
        // This should not be null. Check for null should be made by the caller.
        InternalGroupPrincipal internalGroup = commonQueries.getInternalGroupPrincipal(GroupPrincipalImpl
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    if (principal == null)
    // Create a remote principal and credentials
    InternalUserPrincipalImpl remotePrincipal = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(remoteUser);
     * The RemotePrincipal (class InternalUserPrincipal) will have a fullPath that identifies the entry as an SSO credential.
     * The entry has to be unique for a site and principal  (GROUP -or- USER ) an therefore it needs to be encoded as following:
     * The convention for the path is the following: /sso/SiteID/{user|group}/{user name | group name}/remote user name
    if ( fullPath.indexOf("/group/") > -1)
        remotePrincipal.setFullPath("/sso/" + ssoSite.getSiteId() + "/group/"+  principalName + "/" + remoteUser);
        remotePrincipal.setFullPath("/sso/" + ssoSite.getSiteId() + "/user/"+ principalName + "/" + remoteUser);
    // New credential object for remote principal
     InternalCredentialImpl credential =
            new InternalCredentialImpl(remotePrincipal.getPrincipalId(),
                this.scramble(pwd), 0, DefaultPasswordCredentialImpl.class.getName());
     if ( remotePrincipal.getCredentials() == null)
       remotePrincipal.setCredentials(new ArrayList(0));
    remotePrincipal.getCredentials().add( credential);
    // Add it to Principals remotePrincipals list

    // Update the site remotePrincipals list
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     * @see
    public void addUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal) throws SecurityException
        String fullPath = userPrincipal.getFullPath();
        InternalUserPrincipal internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(fullPath);
        securityAccess.setInternalUserPrincipal(internalUser, false);       
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     * @see
    public void updateUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal) throws SecurityException
        String fullPath = userPrincipal.getFullPath();
        InternalUserPrincipal internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(fullPath);
        securityAccess.setInternalUserPrincipal(internalUser, false);       
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        boolean isMappingOnly = false;
        if (null == internalUser)
            // This is a record for mapping only.
            isMappingOnly = true;
            internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(UserPrincipalImpl.getFullPathFromPrincipalName(username));
        Collection internalRoles = internalUser.getRolePrincipals();
        // This should not be null. Check for null should be made by the caller.
        InternalRolePrincipal internalRole = commonQueries.getInternalRolePrincipal(RolePrincipalImpl
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        boolean isMappingOnly = false;
        if (null == internalUser)
            // This is a record for mapping only.
            isMappingOnly = true;
            internalUser = new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(UserPrincipalImpl.getFullPathFromPrincipalName(username));
        Collection internalGroups = internalUser.getGroupPrincipals();
        // This should not be null. Check for null should be made by the caller.
        InternalGroupPrincipal internalGroup = commonQueries.getInternalGroupPrincipal(GroupPrincipalImpl
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    public void addUserPrincipal(UserPrincipal userPrincipal) throws SecurityException
        String fullPath = userPrincipal.getFullPath();
        if ( null == securityAccess.getInternalUserPrincipal(fullPath, false) )
            securityAccess.setInternalUserPrincipal(new InternalUserPrincipalImpl(fullPath), false);       
            throw new SecurityException(SecurityException.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS.create(userPrincipal.getName()));
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