* @see org.apache.portals.applications.webcontent.portlet.WebContentPortlet#doView(javax.portlet.RenderRequest, javax.portlet.RenderResponse)
public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) throws PortletException, IOException
// portal request context
RequestContext rc = (RequestContext) request.getAttribute(RequestContext.REQUEST_PORTALENV);
// default page view rendering
String viewPage = (String)request.getAttribute(PARAM_VIEW_PAGE);
if (viewPage != null)
super.doView(request, response);
// get source web content URL, parameters, and method to view
String sourceURL = null;
Map sourceParams = null;
boolean sourcePostMethod = false;
WebContentHistoryPage webContentPage = (WebContentHistoryPage)PortletMessaging.receive(request, getClass().getName());
if (webContentPage != null)
// view rewritten action URL page
sourceURL = webContentPage.getUrl();
sourceParams = webContentPage.getParams();
sourcePostMethod = webContentPage.isPost();
// load and validate preferences, (base url and portal base path
// should both end in a "/" path separator to ensure that relative
// urls in the content resolve predictably)
String baseURL = request.getPreferences().getValue("SRC", null);
String portalBasePath = request.getPreferences().getValue("PORTALPATH", null);
if ((baseURL == null) || (portalBasePath == null))
throw new PortletException("Required SRC and PORTALPATH preferences not set");
if (!baseURL.endsWith("/"))
baseURL += "/";
if (!portalBasePath.startsWith("/"))
portalBasePath = "/"+portalBasePath;
if (!portalBasePath.endsWith("/"))
portalBasePath += "/";
// view content page based on portal request URL
String portalRequestPath = rc.getPath();
if (!portalRequestPath.startsWith(portalBasePath))
throw new PortletException("Unable to map portal request path: "+portalRequestPath+" onto portal base path: "+portalBasePath);
sourceURL = baseURL+portalRequestPath.substring(portalBasePath.length());
// get web content
byte[] content = null;
// initialize and lock stateful rewriter
String basePortalPath = rc.getPortalURL().getPageBasePath();
// get and rewrite web content
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Portal request: "+rc.getPath()+", Web content: "+sourceURL);
content = doWebContent(sourceURL, sourceParams, sourcePostMethod, request, response);