// process decorator by id
String id = conf.getString("id");
if (id == null)
throw new DeploymentException("Unable to deploy decorator, \"id\" attribute not defined in configuration");
log.info("Found decorator deployment archive " + id);
// construct decorator deploy path
String baseDeployPath = getBaseDeployPath(conf);
String deployPath = baseDeployPath + File.separator + id;
File deployPathFile = new File(deployPath);
// undeploy decorator if it already exists and is a redeploy or
// skip deployment if initial deployment
if (deployPathFile.exists())
// redeploy/deploy decorator w/o META_INF jar metadata
log.info("Deploying decorator " + id + " to " + deployPath);
JarExpander.expand(event.getDeploymentObject().getFile(), deployPathFile);
File metaInf = new File(deployPathFile, "META-INF");
if (metaInf.exists())
DirectoryHelper cleanup = new DirectoryHelper(metaInf);
// detect language/country localized decorator components
final List localeSpecificDeployPathsList = getLocaleSpecificDeployPaths(deployPathFile);
// deploy individual locale specific decorator components
Iterator deployPathsIter = localeSpecificDeployPathsList.iterator();
while (deployPathsIter.hasNext())
File localeDeployPathFile = (File) deployPathsIter.next();
// deploy to locale specific location
File deployToPathFile = new File(baseDeployPath
+ localeDeployPathFile.getPath().substring(deployPath.length())
+ File.separator + id);
log.info("Deploying locale specific decorator component to " + deployToPathFile.getPath());
// deploy decorator components by moving from deployed decorator
File[] filesToDeploy = localeDeployPathFile.listFiles(new FileFilter()
public boolean accept(File pathname)
return !localeSpecificDeployPathsList.contains(pathname);
for (int i = 0; (i < filesToDeploy.length); i++)
filesToDeploy[i].renameTo(new File(deployToPathFile, filesToDeploy[i].getName()));
// cleanup locale specific deployment directories
Iterator cleanupDeployPathsIter = localeSpecificDeployPathsList.iterator();
while (cleanupDeployPathsIter.hasNext())
File cleanupLocaleDeployPathFile = (File) cleanupDeployPathsIter.next();
if (cleanupLocaleDeployPathFile.exists())
DirectoryHelper cleanup = new DirectoryHelper(cleanupLocaleDeployPathFile);
log.info("Decorator " + id + " deployed successfuly.");
catch (DeploymentException de)
throw de;
catch (Exception e)
throw new DeploymentException("Error deploying decorator " + id, e);