String graphName = null ;
long count = -1 ;
String name = null ;
ContentType ct = null ;
Lang lang = null ;
try {
FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(action.request);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
FileItemStream item =;
String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
InputStream stream = item.openStream();
if (item.isFormField())
// Graph name.
String value = Streams.asString(stream, "UTF-8") ;
if ( fieldName.equals(HttpNames.paramGraph) )
graphName = value ;
if ( graphName != null && ! graphName.equals("") && ! graphName.equals(HttpNames.valueDefault) )
IRI iri = IRIResolver.parseIRI(value) ;
if ( iri.hasViolation(false) )
errorBadRequest("Bad IRI: "+graphName) ;
if ( iri.getScheme() == null )
errorBadRequest("Bad IRI: no IRI scheme name: "+graphName) ;
if ( iri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("http") || iri.getScheme().equalsIgnoreCase("https"))
// Redundant??
if ( iri.getRawHost() == null )
errorBadRequest("Bad IRI: no host name: "+graphName) ;
if ( iri.getRawPath() == null || iri.getRawPath().length() == 0 )
errorBadRequest("Bad IRI: no path: "+graphName) ;
if ( iri.getRawPath().charAt(0) != '/' )
errorBadRequest("Bad IRI: Path does not start '/': "+graphName) ;
else if ( fieldName.equals(HttpNames.paramDefaultGraphURI) )
graphName = null ;
// Add file type?"[%d] Upload: Field=%s ignored",, fieldName)) ;
} else {
// Process the input stream
name = item.getName() ;
if ( name == null || name.equals("") || name.equals("UNSET FILE NAME") )
errorBadRequest("No name for content - can't determine RDF syntax") ;
String contentTypeHeader = item.getContentType() ;
ct = ContentType.create(contentTypeHeader) ;
lang = RDFLanguages.contentTypeToLang(ct.getContentType()) ;
if ( lang == null ) {
lang = RDFLanguages.filenameToLang(name) ;
//JENA-600 filenameToLang() strips off certain extensions such as .gz and
//we need to ensure that if there was a .gz extension present we wrap the stream accordingly
if (name.endsWith(".gz"))
stream = new GZIPInputStream(stream);
if ( lang == null )
// Desperate.
lang = RDFLanguages.RDFXML ;"[%d] Upload: Filename: %s, Content-Type=%s, Charset=%s => %s",, name, ct.getContentType(), ct.getCharset(), lang.getName())) ;
StreamRDF x = StreamRDFLib.graph(graphTmp) ;
StreamRDFCounting dest = StreamRDFLib.count(x) ;
SPARQL_REST.parse(action, dest, stream, lang, base);
count = dest.count() ;