QueryExecution qexec1 = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query1, model) ;
ResultSet rs1 = qexec1.execSelect() ;
List<QuerySolution> results = ResultSetFormatter.toList(rs1) ;
if ( results.size() == 0 ) {
//Log.warn(this, "Failed to find a valid EntityMap for : "+root) ;
throw new TextIndexException("Failed to find a valid EntityMap for : "+root) ;
if ( results.size() !=1 ) {
Log.warn(this, "Multiple matches for EntityMap for : "+root) ;
throw new TextIndexException("Multiple matches for EntityMap for : "+root) ;
QuerySolution qsol1 = results.get(0) ;
String entityField = qsol1.getLiteral("entityField").getLexicalForm() ;
String graphField = qsol1.contains("graphField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("graphField").getLexicalForm() : null;
String defaultField = qsol1.contains("dftField") ? qsol1.getLiteral("dftField").getLexicalForm() : null ;
String qs2 = StrUtils.strjoinNL("SELECT * { ?map list:member [ :field ?field ; :predicate ?predicate ] }") ;
Query query2 = QueryFactory.create(prologue+" "+qs2) ;
QueryExecution qexec2 = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query2, model, qsol1) ;
ResultSet rs2 = qexec2.execSelect() ;
List<QuerySolution> mapEntries = ResultSetFormatter.toList(rs2) ;
MultiMap<String, Node> mapDefs = MultiMap.createMapList() ;
for ( QuerySolution qsol : mapEntries ) {
String field = qsol.getLiteral("field").getLexicalForm() ;
Resource p = qsol.getResource("predicate") ;
mapDefs.put(field, p.asNode()) ;
// Primary field/predicate
if ( defaultField != null ) {
Collection<Node> c = mapDefs.get(defaultField) ;
if ( c == null )
throw new TextIndexException("No definition of primary field '"+defaultField+"'") ;
EntityDefinition docDef = new EntityDefinition(entityField, defaultField, graphField) ;
for ( String f : mapDefs.keys() ) {