// execute first query
Object results = query.execute();
// check query result of first query
List expected = new ArrayList();
expected.add(new PCPoint(0, 0));
expected.add(new PCPoint(1, 1));
expected.add(new PCPoint(2, 2));
expected.add(new PCPoint(3, 3));
expected.add(new PCPoint(4, 4));
expected = getFromInserted(expected);
checkQueryResultWithoutOrder(ASSERTION_FAILED, results, expected);
// execute second query
Object results2 = query2.execute();
// check query result of second query
List expected2 = new ArrayList();
expected2.add(new PCPoint(0, 0));
expected2 = getFromInserted(expected2);
checkQueryResultWithoutOrder(ASSERTION_FAILED, results2, expected2);