final String methodSig = JDO_PC_jdoMakeDirty_Sig;
final int accessFlags = JDO_PC_jdoMakeDirty_Mods;
final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;
// begin of method body
final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
Insn insn = begin;
// store the sm field into local var
insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
insn = insn.append(
insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_astore_2));
// test the sm field and goto end if null
final InsnTarget end = new InsnTarget();
insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));
insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_ifnull, end));
// call the sm's method with 'this' and 'fieldname' arguments
insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));