Package org.apache.jdo.impl.enhancer.classfile

Examples of org.apache.jdo.impl.enhancer.classfile.Insn

        affirm((accessFlags & ACCStatic) == 0);
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        insn = appendThrowJavaException(
            insn, JAVA_UnsupportedOperationException_Path,
            "Method " + methodName + " not yet implemented");
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                && !(methodName.equals("jdoPreStore()")
                     || methodName.equals("jdoPreDelete()")))
               || methodName.equals("readObject("));

        // first instruction is a target
        final Insn firstInsn = codeAttr.theCode();
        Insn insn =;
        while (insn != null) {
            switch(insn.opcode()) {
            case VMConstants.opc_getfield:
            case VMConstants.opc_putfield: {
                final int r = checkGetPutField(out, insn, jdoMethod);
                if (r < NEGATIVE) {
                    res = ERROR;
            case VMConstants.opc_invokestatic: {
                final int r = checkInvokeStatic(out, insn, jdoMethod);
                if (r < NEGATIVE) {
                    res = ERROR;
                } else if (r > NEGATIVE) {
                    if (res == NEGATIVE) {
                        res = AFFIRMATIVE;

            insn =;

        return res;
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               "Attempt to add code to a native method.");
        final CodeAttribute foundCodeAttr = method.codeAttribute();
        affirm(foundCodeAttr != null)// by JVM spec

        // prepend the new code to the current one
        final Insn firstInsn = codeAttr.theCode();
        affirm(firstInsn != null);
        final Insn foundFirstInsn = foundCodeAttr.theCode();
        affirm(foundFirstInsn != null);
        final Insn lastInsn = firstInsn.append(foundFirstInsn);
        affirm(lastInsn != null);

        // ajust the method's stack and locals demand
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        final int accessFlags = JDO_PC_jdoNewObjectIdInstance_Mods;
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // generate empty method in case of datastore identity
        final String keyClassName = analyzer.getKeyClassName();
        if (keyClassName == null){
            // end of method body
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aconst_null));
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_areturn));

            final CodeAttribute codeAttr
                = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                    1, // maxStack
                                    1, // maxLocals
                                    new ExceptionTable(),
                                    new AttributeVector());
            augmenter.addMethod(methodName, methodSig, accessFlags,
                                codeAttr, exceptAttr);
        affirm(keyClassName != null);

        // push a newly created an instance of this class
        insn = insn.append(
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_dup));
        insn = insn.append(

        // end of method body
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_areturn));

        final CodeAttribute codeAttr
            = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                2, // maxStack
                                1, // maxLocals
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        final int accessFlags = JDO_PC_jdoNewObjectIdInstance_Object_Mods;
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // generate empty method in case of datastore identity
        final String keyClassName = analyzer.getKeyClassName();
        if (keyClassName == null){
            // end of method body
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aconst_null));
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_areturn));

            final CodeAttribute codeAttr
                = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                    1, // maxStack
                                    2, // maxLocals
                                    new ExceptionTable(),
                                    new AttributeVector());
            augmenter.addMethod(methodName, methodSig, accessFlags,
                                codeAttr, exceptAttr);
        affirm(keyClassName != null);

        // TODO: support for single field identity

        // push a newly created an instance of this class
        insn = insn.append(
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_dup));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_1));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_checkcast,
        insn = insn.append(

        // end of method body
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_areturn));

        final CodeAttribute codeAttr
            = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                3, // maxStack
                                2, // maxLocals
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        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // generate empty method in case of datastore identity
        final String keyClassName = analyzer.getKeyClassName();
        if (keyClassName == null){
            // end of method body
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_return));

            final CodeAttribute codeAttr
                = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                    0, // maxStack
                                    2, // maxLocals
                                    new ExceptionTable(),
                                    new AttributeVector());
            augmenter.addMethod(methodName, methodSig, accessFlags,
                                codeAttr, exceptAttr);
        affirm(keyClassName != null);

        // check oid argument
        final ConstClass keyConstClass = pool.addClass(keyClassName);
        affirm(keyConstClass != null);
        insn = appendCheckVarInstanceOf(insn, 1, keyConstClass,

        // downcast argument
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_1));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_checkcast, keyConstClass));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_astore_2));

        // check argument or delegate to superclass
        final boolean isPCRoot = analyzer.isAugmentableAsRoot();
        if (!isPCRoot) {
            // call super.jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(oid)

            //^olsen: javac uses the truelly declaring class
            //final ConstClass superConstClass = classFile.superName();
            //affirm(superConstClass != null);
            //final String superClassName = superConstClass.asString();
            //affirm(superClassName != null);

            final String superClassName
                = analyzer.getPCSuperKeyOwnerClassName();
            affirm(superClassName != null);
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));
            insn = insn.append(
        // get types of and field references of the key fields
        final int keyFieldCount = analyzer.getKeyFieldCount();
        final ConstFieldRef[] keyFieldRefs = getKeyFieldRefs();
        final ConstFieldRef[] keyClassKeyFieldRefs = getKeyClassKeyFieldRefs();
        affirm(keyFieldRefs.length == keyFieldCount);
        affirm(keyClassKeyFieldRefs.length == keyFieldCount);

        // generate the assignment statements
        int maxFieldSize = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < keyFieldCount; i++) {
            // assign key field
            final ConstFieldRef thisClassKeyRef = keyFieldRefs[i];
            final ConstFieldRef keyClassKeyRef = keyClassKeyFieldRefs[i];
            affirm(thisClassKeyRef != null);
            affirm(keyClassKeyRef != null);
            if (isToOid) {
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_getfield, thisClassKeyRef));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_putfield, keyClassKeyRef));
            } else {
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_getfield, keyClassKeyRef));
                insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_putfield, thisClassKeyRef));

            // compute stack demand
            final String sig
                = thisClassKeyRef.nameAndType().signature().asString();
            affirm(sig != null && sig.length() > 0);
            maxFieldSize = max(maxFieldSize, Descriptor.countFieldWords(sig));

        // end of method body
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_return));

        final CodeAttribute codeAttr
            = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                max(maxFieldSize + 1, 3), // maxStack
                                3, // maxLocals
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        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // generate empty method in case of datastore identity
        final String keyClassName = analyzer.getKeyClassName();
        if (keyClassName == null){
            // end of method body
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_return));

            final CodeAttribute codeAttr
                = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                    0, // maxStack
                                    3, // maxLocals
                                    new ExceptionTable(),
                                    new AttributeVector());
            augmenter.addMethod(methodName, methodSig, accessFlags,
                                codeAttr, exceptAttr);
        affirm(keyClassName != null);

        // check fm argument
        insn = appendCheckVarNonNull(insn, 1,
        // check oid argument
        final ConstClass keyConstClass = pool.addClass(keyClassName);
        affirm(keyConstClass != null);
        insn = appendCheckVarInstanceOf(insn, 2, keyConstClass,

        // downcast argument
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_2));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_checkcast, keyConstClass));
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_astore_3));

        // call super.jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(oid)
        final boolean isPCRoot = analyzer.isAugmentableAsRoot();
        if (!isPCRoot) {
            // call super.jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(oid)

            //^olsen: javac uses the truelly declaring class
            //final ConstClass superConstClass = classFile.superName();
            //affirm(superConstClass != null);
            //final String superClassName = superConstClass.asString();
            //affirm(superClassName != null);

            final String superClassName
                = analyzer.getPCSuperKeyOwnerClassName();
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_1));
            insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_3));
            insn = insn.append(
        // get types of and field references of the key fields
        final int keyFieldCount = analyzer.getKeyFieldCount();
        final ConstFieldRef[] keyFieldRefs = getKeyFieldRefs();
        final ConstFieldRef[] keyClassKeyFieldRefs = getKeyClassKeyFieldRefs();
        affirm(keyFieldRefs.length == keyFieldCount);
        affirm(keyClassKeyFieldRefs.length == keyFieldCount);

        // generate the case-targets for the method calls
        final SizeHolder sizeHolder = new SizeHolder();
        if (isToOid) {
            insn = appendStatementsForCopyKeyFieldsToOid(insn, sizeHolder);
        } else {
            insn = appendStatementsForCopyKeyFieldsFromOid(insn, sizeHolder);

        // end of method body
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_return));

        final CodeAttribute codeAttr
            = new CodeAttribute(getCodeAttributeUtf8(),
                                    + (isToOid ? 3 : 2), 3), // maxStack
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        affirm(methodSig != null);     
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        final ConstFieldRef fieldRef = getAnnotatedFieldRefs()[fieldIndex];
        affirm(fieldRef != null);
        final String sig = fieldRef.nameAndType().signature().asString();
        affirm(sig != null && sig.length() > 0);
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        affirm(methodSig != null);     
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // get field's sig and compute first non-parameter slot
        final ConstFieldRef fieldRef = getAnnotatedFieldRefs()[fieldIndex];
        affirm(fieldRef != null);
        final String sig = fieldRef.nameAndType().signature().asString();
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        affirm(methodSig != null);     
        final ExceptionsAttribute exceptAttr = null;

        // begin of method body
        final InsnTarget begin = new InsnTarget();
        Insn insn = begin;

        // get field's sig and compute first non-parameter slot
        final ConstFieldRef fieldRef = getAnnotatedFieldRefs()[fieldIndex];
        affirm(fieldRef != null);
        final String sig = fieldRef.nameAndType().signature().asString();
        affirm(sig != null && sig.length() > 0);
        final int fieldSize = ((sig.equals("J") || sig.equals("D")) ? 2 : 1);
        final int varStart = 1;

        // directly return field if flags are <= LOAD_REQUIRED
        final InsnTarget mediate = new InsnTarget();
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_aload_0));
        insn = insn.append(
        insn = insn.append(Insn.create(opc_ifgt, mediate));
        insn = appendDirectReadReturn(insn, fieldRef);

        // mediate access
        insn = insn.append(mediate);
        insn = appendMediatedReadAccess(insn, fieldIndex, fieldRef, varStart);

        // end of method body

        final CodeAttribute codeAttr
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