Package org.apache.jcs.utils.struct

Examples of org.apache.jcs.utils.struct.LRUMap

        // run the basic tests
        TestSuite suite = new TestSuite( LRUMapConcurrentTest.class );

        // run concurrent tests
        final LRUMap map = new LRUMap( 2000 );
        suite.addTest( new LRUMapConcurrentTest( "conc1" )
            public void runTest()
                throws Exception
                this.runConcurrentPutGetTests( map, 2000 );
        } );
        suite.addTest( new LRUMapConcurrentTest( "conc2" )
            public void runTest()
                throws Exception
                this.runConcurrentPutGetTests( map, 2000 );
        } );
        suite.addTest( new LRUMapConcurrentTest( "conc3" )
            public void runTest()
                throws Exception
                this.runConcurrentPutGetTests( map, 2000 );
        } );

        // run more concurrent tests
        final int max2 = 20000;
        final LRUMap map2 = new LRUMap( max2 );
        suite.addTest( new LRUMapConcurrentTest( "concB1" )
            public void runTest()
                throws Exception
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     *                Description of the Exception
    public void testSimpleLoad()
        throws Exception
        LRUMap map = new LRUMap( items );

        for ( int i = 0; i < items; i++ )
            map.put( i + ":key", "data" + i );

        for ( int i = items - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String res = (String) map.get( i + ":key" );
            if ( res == null )
                assertNotNull( "[" + i + ":key] should not be null", res );

        // test removal
        map.remove( "300:key" );
        assertNull( map.get( "300:key" ) );

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    public void testLRURemoval()
        throws Exception
        int total = 10;
        LRUMap map = new LRUMap( total );
        map.setChunkSize( 1 );

        // put the max in
        for ( int i = 0; i < total; i++ )
            map.put( i + ":key", "data" + i );

        Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator();
        while ( it.hasNext() )
            System.out.println( );
        System.out.println( map.getStatistics() );

        // get the max out backwards
        for ( int i = total - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String res = (String) map.get( i + ":key" );
            if ( res == null )
                assertNotNull( "[" + i + ":key] should not be null", res );

        System.out.println( map.getStatistics() );

        //since we got them backwards the total should be at the end.
        // add one confirm that total is gone.
        map.put( ( total ) + ":key", "data" + ( total ) );
        assertNull( map.get( ( total - 1 ) + ":key" ) );

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    public void testLRURemovalAgain()
        throws Exception
        int total = 10000;
        LRUMap map = new LRUMap( total );
        map.setChunkSize( 1 );

        // put the max in
        for ( int i = 0; i < total * 2; i++ )
            map.put( i + ":key", "data" + i );

        // get the total number, these shoukld be null
        for ( int i = total - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            assertNull( map.get( i + ":key" ) );


        // get the total to total *2 items out, these should be foufn.
        for ( int i = ( total * 2 ) - 1; i >= total; i-- )
            String res = (String) map.get( i + ":key" );
            if ( res == null )
                assertNotNull( "[" + i + ":key] should not be null", res );

        System.out.println( map.getStatistics() );

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        String cache2Name = "";


            Map cache = new LRUMap( tries );

            for ( int j = 0; j < loops; j++ )

                name = "JCS      ";
                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                for ( int i = 0; i < tries; i++ )
                    cache.put( "key:" + i, "data" + i );
                end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                time = end - start;
                putTotalJCS += time;
                tPer = Float.intBitsToFloat( (int) time ) / Float.intBitsToFloat( tries );
                System.out.println( name + " put time for " + tries + " = " + time + "; millis per = " + tPer );

                start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                for ( int i = 0; i < tries; i++ )
                    cache.get( "key:" + i );
                end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                time = end - start;
                getTotalJCS += time;
                tPer = Float.intBitsToFloat( (int) time ) / Float.intBitsToFloat( tries );
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Related Classes of org.apache.jcs.utils.struct.LRUMap

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