// if we shouldn't remove on put, then put
if ( !this.getTcpLateralCacheAttributes().isIssueRemoveOnPut() )
LateralElementDescriptor led = new LateralElementDescriptor( item );
led.requesterId = requesterId;
led.command = LateralElementDescriptor.UPDATE;
sender.send( led );
// else issue a remove with the hashcode for remove check on
// on the other end, this will be a server config option
if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
log.debug( "Issuing a remove for a put" );
// set the value to null so we don't send the item
CacheElement ce = new CacheElement( item.getCacheName(), item.getKey(), null );
LateralElementDescriptor led = new LateralElementDescriptor( ce );
led.requesterId = requesterId;
led.command = LateralElementDescriptor.REMOVE;
led.valHashCode = item.getVal().hashCode();
sender.send( led );