Package org.apache.jcs

Examples of org.apache.jcs.JCS

        throws Exception

        //boolean show = true;//false;

        JCS cache = JCS.getInstance( region );

        Thread.sleep( 100 );

        TCPLateralCacheAttributes lattr2 = new TCPLateralCacheAttributes();
        lattr2.setTcpListenerPort( 1102 );
        lattr2.setTransmissionTypeName( "TCP" );
        lattr2.setTcpServer( "localhost:1110" );
        lattr2.setIssueRemoveOnPut( true );
        // should still try to remove
        lattr2.setAllowPut( false );

        // this service will put and remove using the lateral to
        // the cache instance above
        // the cache thinks it is different since the listenerid is different
        LateralTCPService service = new LateralTCPService( lattr2 );
        service.setListenerId( 123456 );

        String keyToBeRemovedOnPut = "test1";

        String keyToNotBeRemovedOnPut = "test2";

        Serializable dataToPassHashCodeCompare = new Serializable()
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public int hashCode()
                return 1;
        //String dataToPassHashCodeCompare = "this should be the same and not
        // get removed.";
        //p( "dataToPassHashCodeCompare hashcode = " + +
        // dataToPassHashCodeCompare.hashCode() );

        cache.put( keyToBeRemovedOnPut, "this should get removed." );
        ICacheElement element1 = new CacheElement( region, keyToBeRemovedOnPut, region
            + ":data-this shouldn't get there" );
        service.update( element1 );

        cache.put( keyToNotBeRemovedOnPut, dataToPassHashCodeCompare );
        ICacheElement element2 = new CacheElement( region, keyToNotBeRemovedOnPut, dataToPassHashCodeCompare );
        service.update( element2 );

         * try { for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ ) { Random ran = new Random( i );
         * int n = ran.nextInt( 4 ); int kn = ran.nextInt( range ); String key =
         * "key" + kn;
         * ICacheElement element = new CacheElement( region, key, region +
         * ":data" + i + " junk asdfffffffadfasdfasf " + kn + ":" + n );
         * service.update( element ); if ( show ) { p( "put " + key ); }
         * if ( i % 100 == 0 ) { System.out.println( cache.getStats() ); }
         *  } p( "Finished cycle of " + numOps ); } catch ( Exception e ) { p(
         * e.toString() ); e.printStackTrace( System.out ); throw e; }

        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );
        String key = "testKey" + testNum;
        String data = "testData" + testNum;
        jcs.put( key, data );
        String value = (String) jcs.get( key );
        assertEquals( "Couldn't put normally.", data, value );

        // make sure the items we can find are in the correct region.
        for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ )
            String keyL = "key" + i;
            String dataL = (String) jcs.get( keyL );
            if ( dataL != null )
                assertTrue( "Incorrect region detected.", dataL.startsWith( region ) );

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     * @throws CacheException
    public void testPutGetRemoveThroughHub()
        throws CacheException
        JCS cache = JCS.getInstance( "testPutGetThroughHub" );

        int max = cache.getCacheAttributes().getMaxObjects();
        int items = max * 2;

        for ( int i = 0; i < items; i++ )
            cache.put( i + ":key", "myregion" + " data " + i );

        // Test that first items are not in the cache
        for ( int i = max; i >= 0; i-- )
            String value = (String) cache.get( i + ":key" );
            assertNull( "Should not have value for key [" + i + ":key" + "] in the cache.", value );

        // Test that last items are in cache
        // skip 2 for the buffer.
        for ( int i = max + 2; i < items; i++ )
            String value = (String) cache.get( i + ":key" );
            assertEquals( "myregion" + " data " + i, value );

        System.out.println( cache.getStats() );
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    public void testStandardPut()
        throws Exception
        String region = "region1";

        JCS cache = JCS.getInstance( region );

        Thread.sleep( 100 );

        TCPLateralCacheAttributes lattr2 = new TCPLateralCacheAttributes();
        lattr2.setTcpListenerPort( 1102 );
        lattr2.setTransmissionTypeName( "TCP" );
        lattr2.setTcpServer( "localhost:1110" );
        lattr2.setIssueRemoveOnPut( false );
        // should still try to remove
        // lattr2.setAllowPut( false );

        // Using the lateral, this service will put to and remove from
        // the cache instance above.
        // The cache thinks it is different since the listenerid is different
        LateralTCPService service = new LateralTCPService( lattr2 );
        service.setListenerId( 123456 );

        String keyToBeRemovedOnPut = "test1_notremoved";

        ICacheElement element1 = new CacheElement( region, keyToBeRemovedOnPut, region
            + ":data-this shouldn't get removed, it should get to the cache." );
        service.update( element1 );

        Thread.sleep( 1000 );

        Object testObj = cache.get( keyToBeRemovedOnPut );
        p( "testStandardPut, test object = " + testObj );
        assertNotNull( "The test object should not have been removed by a put.", testObj );
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        throws Exception

        boolean show = true;// false;

        JCS cache = JCS.getInstance( region );

        Thread.sleep( 100 );

        TCPLateralCacheAttributes lattr2 = new TCPLateralCacheAttributes();
        lattr2.setTcpListenerPort( 1102 );
        lattr2.setTransmissionTypeName( "TCP" );
        lattr2.setTcpServer( "localhost:1110" );
        lattr2.setIssueRemoveOnPut( true );
        // should still try to remove
        lattr2.setAllowPut( false );

        // Using the lateral, this service will put to and remove from
        // the cache instance above.
        // The cache thinks it is different since the listenerid is different
        LateralTCPService service = new LateralTCPService( lattr2 );
        service.setListenerId( 123456 );

        String keyToBeRemovedOnPut = "test1";
        cache.put( keyToBeRemovedOnPut, "this should get removed." );

        ICacheElement element1 = new CacheElement( region, keyToBeRemovedOnPut, region
            + ":data-this shouldn't get there" );
        service.update( element1 );

            for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ )
                Random ran = new Random( i );
                int n = ran.nextInt( 4 );
                int kn = ran.nextInt( range );
                String key = "key" + kn;

                ICacheElement element = new CacheElement( region, key, region + ":data" + i
                    + " junk asdfffffffadfasdfasf " + kn + ":" + n );
                service.update( element );
                if ( show )
                    p( "put " + key );

                if ( i % 100 == 0 )
                    System.out.println( cache.getStats() );

            p( "Finished cycle of " + numOps );
        catch ( Exception e )
            p( e.toString() );
            e.printStackTrace( System.out );
            throw e;

        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );
        String key = "testKey" + testNum;
        String data = "testData" + testNum;
        jcs.put( key, data );
        String value = (String) jcs.get( key );
        assertEquals( "Couldn't put normally.", data, value );

        // make sure the items we can find are in the correct region.
        for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ )
            String keyL = "key" + i;
            String dataL = (String) jcs.get( keyL );
            if ( dataL != null )
                assertTrue( "Incorrect region detected.", dataL.startsWith( region ) );
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        tca.setRegion( region );
        tca.random( range, numOps );

        // make sure a simple put then get works
        // this may fail if the other tests are flooding the disk cache
        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );
        String key = "testKey" + testNum;
        String data = "testData" + testNum;
        jcs.put( key, data );
        String value = (String) jcs.get( key );
        assertEquals( data, value );
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    public void runTestForRegion( String region, int range, int numOps, int testNum )
        throws Exception
        boolean show = true;//false;

        JCS cache = JCS.getInstance( region );

        TCPLateralCacheAttributes lattr2 = new TCPLateralCacheAttributes();
        lattr2.setTcpListenerPort( 1103 );
        lattr2.setTransmissionTypeName( "TCP" );
        lattr2.setTcpServer( "localhost:1102" );

        // this service will put and remove using the lateral to
        // the cache instance above
        // the cache thinks it is different since the listenerid is different
        LateralTCPService service = new LateralTCPService( lattr2 );
        service.setListenerId( 123456 );

            for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ )
                Random ran = new Random( i );
                int n = ran.nextInt( 4 );
                int kn = ran.nextInt( range );
                String key = "key" + kn;
                if ( n == 1 )
                    ICacheElement element = new CacheElement( region, key, region + ":data" + i
                        + " junk asdfffffffadfasdfasf " + kn + ":" + n );
                    service.update( element );
                    if ( show )
                        p( "put " + key );
                else if ( n == 2 )
                    service.remove( region, key );
                    if ( show )
                        p( "removed " + key );
                    // slightly greater chance of get
                        Object obj = service.get( region, key );
                        if ( show && obj != null )
                            p( obj.toString() );
                    catch ( Exception e )
                        // consider failing, some timeouts are expected

                if ( i % 100 == 0 )
                    System.out.println( cache.getStats() );

            p( "Finished random cycle of " + numOps );
        catch ( Exception e )
            p( e.toString() );
            e.printStackTrace( System.out );
            throw e;

        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );
        String key = "testKey" + testNum;
        String data = "testData" + testNum;
        jcs.put( key, data );
        String value = (String) jcs.get( key );
        assertEquals( "Couldn't put normally.", data, value );

        // make sure the items we can find are in the correct region.
        for ( int i = 1; i < numOps; i++ )
            String keyL = "key" + i;
            String dataL = (String) jcs.get( keyL );
            if ( dataL != null )
                assertTrue( "Incorrect region detected.", dataL.startsWith( region ) );

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        System.getProperties().setProperty( "jcs.default.cacheattributes.MaxObjects", "6789" );

        JCS.setConfigFilename( "/TestSystemPropertyUsage.ccf" );

        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( "someCacheNotInFile" );

        assertEquals( "System property value is not reflected", jcs.getCacheAttributes().getMaxObjects(), Integer
            .parseInt( "6789" ) );

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        Properties props = PropertyLoader.loadProperties( "TestSystemPropertyUsage.ccf" );

        mgr.configure( props, false );

        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( "someCacheNotInFile" );

        assertFalse( "System property value should not be reflected",
                     jcs.getCacheAttributes().getMaxObjects() == Integer.parseInt( props
                         .getProperty( "jcs.default.cacheattributes.MaxObjects" ) ) );

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     *                If an error occurs
    public void runTestForRegion( String region )
        throws Exception
        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );

        // Add items to cache
        for ( int i = 0; i <= items; i++ )
            jcs.put( i + ":key", region + " data " + i );

        // Test that all items are in cache
        for ( int i = 0; i <= items; i++ )
            String value = (String) jcs.get( i + ":key" );

            assertEquals( region + " data " + i, value );

        // Remove all the items
        for ( int i = 0; i <= items; i++ )
            jcs.remove( i + ":key" );

        // Verify removal
        // another thread may have inserted since
        for ( int i = 0; i <= items; i++ )
            assertNull( "Removed key should be null: " + i + ":key" + "\n stats " + jcs.getStats(), jcs
                .get( i + ":key" ) );
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        tca.setRegion( region );
        tca.random( range, numOps );

        // make sure a simple put then get works
        // this may fail if the other tests are flooding the disk cache
        JCS jcs = JCS.getInstance( region );
        String key = "testKey" + testNum;
        String data = "testData" + testNum;
        jcs.put( key, data );
        String value = (String) jcs.get( key );
        assertEquals( data, value );

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