Package org.apache.jasper.xmlparser

Examples of org.apache.jasper.xmlparser.TreeNode

        String klass = null;
        String signature = null;

        Iterator<TreeNode> list = elem.findChildren();
        while (list.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode element =;
            String tname = element.getName();

            if ("name".equals(tname)) {
                name = element.getBody();
            } else if ("function-class".equals(tname)) {
                klass = element.getBody();
            } else if ("function-signature".equals(tname)) {
                signature = element.getBody();
            } else if ("display-name".equals(tname) || // Ignored elements
                    "small-icon".equals(tname) || "large-icon".equals(tname)
                    || "description".equals(tname) || "example".equals(tname)) {
            } else {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
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    private void loadTagPlugins(ErrorDispatcher err, InputStream is)
            throws JasperException {

        TreeNode root =
                (new ParserUtils()).parseXMLDocument(TAG_PLUGINS_XML, is);
        if (root == null) {

        if (!TAG_PLUGINS_ROOT_ELEM.equals(root.getName())) {
            err.jspError("jsp.error.plugin.wrongRootElement", TAG_PLUGINS_XML,

        tagPlugins = new HashMap<String, TagPlugin>();
        Iterator<TreeNode> pluginList = root.findChildren("tag-plugin");
        while (pluginList.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode pluginNode =;
            TreeNode tagClassNode = pluginNode.findChild("tag-class");
            if (tagClassNode == null) {
                // Error
            String tagClass = tagClassNode.getBody().trim();
            TreeNode pluginClassNode = pluginNode.findChild("plugin-class");
            if (pluginClassNode == null) {
                // Error

            String pluginClassStr = pluginClassNode.getBody();
            TagPlugin tagPlugin = null;
            try {
                Class<?> pluginClass =
                tagPlugin = (TagPlugin) pluginClass.newInstance();
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            if (webXml.getInputSource() == null) {

            // Parse the web application deployment descriptor
            TreeNode webtld = null;
            webtld = new ParserUtils().parseXMLDocument(webXml.getSystemId(),

            // Allow taglib to be an element of the root or jsp-config (JSP2.0)
            TreeNode jspConfig = webtld.findChild("jsp-config");
            if (jspConfig != null) {
                webtld = jspConfig;
            Iterator<TreeNode> taglibs = webtld.findChildren("taglib");
            while (taglibs.hasNext()) {

                // Parse the next <taglib> element
                TreeNode taglib =;
                String tagUri = null;
                String tagLoc = null;
                TreeNode child = taglib.findChild("taglib-uri");
                if (child != null)
                    tagUri = child.getBody();
                child = taglib.findChild("taglib-location");
                if (child != null)
                    tagLoc = child.getBody();

                // Save this location if appropriate
                if (tagLoc == null)
                if (uriType(tagLoc) == NOROOT_REL_URI)
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            InputStream stream) throws IOException {
        try {
            // Parse the tag library descriptor at the specified resource path
            String uri = null;

            TreeNode tld =
                new ParserUtils().parseXMLDocument(resourcePath, stream);
            TreeNode uriNode = tld.findChild("uri");
            if (uriNode != null) {
                String body = uriNode.getBody();
                if (body != null)
                    uri = body;

            // Add implicit map entry only if its uri is not already
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            if (webXml.getInputSource() == null) {
            // Parse the web application deployment descriptor
            TreeNode webtld = null;
            webtld = new ParserUtils().parseXMLDocument(webXml.getSystemId(),

            // Allow taglib to be an element of the root or jsp-config (JSP2.0)
            TreeNode jspConfig = webtld.findChild("jsp-config");
            if (jspConfig != null) {
                webtld = jspConfig;
            Iterator<TreeNode> taglibs = webtld.findChildren("taglib");
            while (taglibs.hasNext()) {

                // Parse the next <taglib> element
                TreeNode taglib =;
                String tagUri = null;
                String tagLoc = null;
                TreeNode child = taglib.findChild("taglib-uri");
                if (child != null)
                    tagUri = child.getBody();
                child = taglib.findChild("taglib-location");
                if (child != null)
                    tagLoc = child.getBody();

                // Save this location if appropriate
                if (tagLoc == null)
                if (uriType(tagLoc) == NOROOT_REL_URI)
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        String path = (location.getJarResource() == null) ?  location.getName() : location.getJarResource().getUrl();
        try {
            // Parse the tag library descriptor at the specified resource path
            String uri = null;

            TreeNode tld =
                new ParserUtils().parseXMLDocument(path, stream);
            TreeNode uriNode = tld.findChild("uri");
            if (uriNode != null) {
                String body = uriNode.getBody();
                if (body != null)
                    uri = body;

            // Add implicit map entry only if its uri is not already
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        Vector<TagFileInfo> tagFileVector = new Vector<TagFileInfo>();
        Hashtable<String, FunctionInfo> functionTable = new Hashtable<String, FunctionInfo>();

        // Create an iterator over the child elements of our <taglib> element
        ParserUtils pu = new ParserUtils();
        TreeNode tld = pu.parseXMLDocument(uri, in);

        // Check to see if the <taglib> root element contains a 'version'
        // attribute, which was added in JSP 2.0 to replace the <jsp-version>
        // subelement
        this.jspversion = tld.findAttribute("version");

        // Process each child element of our <taglib> element
        Iterator<TreeNode> list = tld.findChildren();

        while (list.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode element =;
            String tname = element.getName();

            if ("tlibversion".equals(tname) // JSP 1.1
                    || "tlib-version".equals(tname)) { // JSP 1.2
                this.tlibversion = element.getBody();
            } else if ("jspversion".equals(tname)
                    || "jsp-version".equals(tname)) {
                this.jspversion = element.getBody();
            } else if ("shortname".equals(tname) || "short-name".equals(tname))
                this.shortname = element.getBody();
            else if ("uri".equals(tname))
                this.urn = element.getBody();
            else if ("info".equals(tname) || "description".equals(tname))
       = element.getBody();
            else if ("validator".equals(tname))
                this.tagLibraryValidator = createValidator(element);
            else if ("tag".equals(tname))
                tagVector.addElement(createTagInfo(element, jspversion));
            else if ("tag-file".equals(tname)) {
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        Vector<TagAttributeInfo> attributeVector = new Vector<TagAttributeInfo>();
        Vector<TagVariableInfo> variableVector = new Vector<TagVariableInfo>();
        Iterator<TreeNode> list = elem.findChildren();
        while (list.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode element =;
            String tname = element.getName();

            if ("name".equals(tname)) {
                tagName = element.getBody();
            } else if ("tagclass".equals(tname) || "tag-class".equals(tname)) {
                tagClassName = element.getBody();
            } else if ("teiclass".equals(tname) || "tei-class".equals(tname)) {
                teiClassName = element.getBody();
            } else if ("bodycontent".equals(tname)
                    || "body-content".equals(tname)) {
                bodycontent = element.getBody();
            } else if ("display-name".equals(tname)) {
                displayName = element.getBody();
            } else if ("small-icon".equals(tname)) {
                smallIcon = element.getBody();
            } else if ("large-icon".equals(tname)) {
                largeIcon = element.getBody();
            } else if ("icon".equals(tname)) {
                TreeNode icon = element.findChild("small-icon");
                if (icon != null) {
                    smallIcon = icon.getBody();
                icon = element.findChild("large-icon");
                if (icon != null) {
                    largeIcon = icon.getBody();
            } else if ("info".equals(tname) || "description".equals(tname)) {
                info = element.getBody();
            } else if ("variable".equals(tname)) {
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        String name = null;
        String path = null;

        Iterator<TreeNode> list = elem.findChildren();
        while (list.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode child =;
            String tname = child.getName();
            if ("name".equals(tname)) {
                name = child.getBody();
            } else if ("path".equals(tname)) {
                path = child.getBody();
            } else if ("example".equals(tname)) {
                // Ignore <example> element: Bugzilla 33538
            } else if ("tag-extension".equals(tname)) {
                // Ignore <tag-extension> element: Bugzilla 33538
            } else if ("icon".equals(tname)
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        String methodSignature = null;
        boolean required = false, rtexprvalue = false, isFragment = false, deferredValue = false, deferredMethod = false;

        Iterator<TreeNode> list = elem.findChildren();
        while (list.hasNext()) {
            TreeNode element =;
            String tname = element.getName();

            if ("name".equals(tname)) {
                name = element.getBody();
            } else if ("required".equals(tname)) {
                String s = element.getBody();
                if (s != null)
                    required = JspUtil.booleanValue(s);
            } else if ("rtexprvalue".equals(tname)) {
                String s = element.getBody();
                if (s != null)
                    rtexprvalue = JspUtil.booleanValue(s);
            } else if ("type".equals(tname)) {
                type = element.getBody();
                if ("1.2".equals(jspVersion)
                        && (type.equals("Boolean") || type.equals("Byte")
                                || type.equals("Character")
                                || type.equals("Double")
                                || type.equals("Float")
                                || type.equals("Integer")
                                || type.equals("Long") || type.equals("Object")
                                || type.equals("Short") || type
                                .equals("String"))) {
                    type = "java.lang." + type;
            } else if ("fragment".equals(tname)) {
                String s = element.getBody();
                if (s != null) {
                    isFragment = JspUtil.booleanValue(s);
            } else if ("deferred-value".equals(tname)) {
                deferredValue = true;
                type = "javax.el.ValueExpression";
                TreeNode child = element.findChild("type");
                if (child != null) {
                    expectedType = child.getBody();
                    if (expectedType != null) {
                        expectedType = expectedType.trim();
                } else {
                    expectedType = "java.lang.Object";
            } else if ("deferred-method".equals(tname)) {
                deferredMethod = true;
                type = "javax.el.MethodExpression";
                TreeNode child = element.findChild("method-signature");
                if (child != null) {
                    methodSignature = child.getBody();
                    if (methodSignature != null) {
                        methodSignature = methodSignature.trim();
                } else {
                    methodSignature = "java.lang.Object method()";
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Related Classes of org.apache.jasper.xmlparser.TreeNode

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