Package org.apache.james.protocols.pop3

Examples of org.apache.james.protocols.pop3.TestUtils

     * Handler method called upon receipt of a UIDL command. Returns a listing
     * of message ids to the client.
    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = null;
        String parameters = request.getArgument();
        if (session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.TRANSACTION) {
            List<MessageMetaData> uidList = (List<MessageMetaData>) session.getState().get(POP3Session.UID_LIST);
            List<Long> deletedUidList = (List<Long>) session.getState().get(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST);
            try {
                String identifier = session.getUserMailbox().getIdentifier();
                if (parameters == null) {
                    response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "unique-id listing follows");
                    for (int i = 0; i < uidList.size(); i++) {
                        Long uid = uidList.get(i).getUid();
                        if (deletedUidList.contains(uid) == false) {
                            // construct unique UIDL. See JAMES-1264
                            StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append(i + 1).append(" ").append(identifier).append("-").append(uid);

                } else {
                    int num = 0;
                    try {
                        num = Integer.parseInt(parameters);
                        Long uid = uidList.get(num - 1).getUid();
                        if (deletedUidList.contains(uid) == false) {
                            // construct unique UIDL. See JAMES-1264
                            StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append(num).append(" ").append(identifier).append("-").append(uid);
                            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());

                        } else {
                            StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") already deleted.");
                            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException npe) {
                        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                        response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append(parameters).append(" is not a valid number");
                        response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE);
                return response;
        } else {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE);
        return response;
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     *            the request to process

    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = null;
        String parameters = request.getArgument();
        List<MessageMetaData> uidList = (List<MessageMetaData>) session.getState().get(POP3Session.UID_LIST);
        List<Long> deletedUidList = (List<Long>) session.getState().get(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST);

        if (session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.TRANSACTION) {
            if (parameters == null) {

                long size = 0;
                int count = 0;
                List<MessageMetaData> validResults = new ArrayList<MessageMetaData>();
                if (uidList.isEmpty() == false) {

                    for (int i = 0; i < uidList.size(); i++) {
                        MessageMetaData data = uidList.get(i);
                        if (deletedUidList.contains(data.getUid()) == false) {
                            size += data.getSize();
                StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(32).append(count).append(" ").append(size);
                response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                count = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < validResults.size(); i++) {
                    responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(16).append(i + 1).append(" ").append(validResults.get(i).getSize());
            } else {
                int num = 0;
                try {
                    num = Integer.parseInt(parameters);
                    MessageMetaData data = uidList.get(num - 1);
                    if (deletedUidList.contains(data.getUid()) == false) {

                        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append(num).append(" ").append(data.getSize());
                        response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                    } else {
                        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") already deleted.");
                        response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException npe) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                    response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append(parameters).append(" is not a valid number");
                    response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
        } else {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE);
        return response;
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    public Response onConnect(POP3Session session) {
        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder();
        // Initially greet the connector
        // Format is: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 13:16:09 -0500
        responseBuffer.append(session.getConfiguration().getHelloName()).append(" POP3 server (").append(session.getConfiguration().getSoftwareName()).append(") ready ");
        POP3Response response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
        return response;
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     * Handler method called upon receipt of a RSET command. Calls stat() to
     * reset the mailbox.
    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = null;
        if (session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.TRANSACTION) {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE);
        } else {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE);
        return response;
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     * Handler method called upon receipt of a QUIT command. This method handles
     * cleanup of the POP3Handler state.
    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = null;
        if (session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.AUTHENTICATION_READY || session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.AUTHENTICATION_USERSET) {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "Apache James POP3 Server signing off.");
            return response;
        List<Long> toBeRemoved = (List<Long>) session.getState().get(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST);
        Mailbox mailbox = session.getUserMailbox();
        try {
            long uids[] = new long[toBeRemoved.size()];
            for (int i = 0;i < toBeRemoved.size(); i++) {
                uids[i] = toBeRemoved.get(i);
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "Apache James POP3 Server signing off.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, "Some deleted messages were not removed");
            session.getLogger().error("Some deleted messages were not removed", ex);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // ignore on close
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            try {
                MessageMetaData data = MessageMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(session, num);
                if (data == null) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                    return  new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                List<Long> deletedUidList = (List<Long>) session.getAttachment(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST, State.Transaction);

                Long uid = data.getUid();
                if (deletedUidList.contains(uid) == false) {

                    InputStream body = new CountingBodyInputStream(new ExtraDotInputStream(new CRLFTerminatedInputStream(session.getUserMailbox().getMessageBody(uid))), lines);
                    InputStream headers = session.getUserMailbox().getMessageHeaders(uid);
                    if (body != null && headers != null) {
                        return new POP3StreamResponse(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "Message follows", new SequenceInputStream(headers, body));

                    } else {
                        StringBuilder exceptionBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                        return new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, exceptionBuffer.toString());

                } else {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") already deleted.");
                    return new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return ERROR_MESSAGE_RETR;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iob) {
                StringBuilder exceptionBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                return new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, exceptionBuffer.toString());
            } catch (NoSuchElementException iob) {
                StringBuilder exceptionBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                return new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, exceptionBuffer.toString());
        } else {
            return POP3Response.ERR;
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     * @see
     * org.apache.james.protocols.api.handler.CommandHandler
     * #onCommand(org.apache.james.protocols.api.ProtocolSession, org.apache.james.protocols.api.Request)
    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "Capability list follows");

        for (int i = 0; i < caps.size(); i++) {
            for (String cap: caps.get(i).getImplementedCapabilities(session)) {
        return response;
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     * Handler method called upon receipt of a RETR command. This command
     * retrieves a particular mail message from the mailbox.
    public Response onCommand(POP3Session session, Request request) {
        POP3Response response = null;
        String parameters = request.getArgument();
        if (session.getHandlerState() == POP3Session.TRANSACTION) {
            int num = 0;
            try {
                num = Integer.parseInt(parameters.trim());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return SYNTAX_ERROR;
            try {
                MessageMetaData data = MessageMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(session, num);

                if (data == null) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                    response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                    return response;
                List<Long> deletedUidList = (List<Long>) session.getAttachment(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST, State.Transaction);

                Long uid = data.getUid();
                if (deletedUidList.contains(uid) == false) {
                    InputStream content = session.getUserMailbox().getMessage(uid);

                    if (content != null) {
                        InputStream in = new CRLFTerminatedInputStream(new ExtraDotInputStream(content));
                        response = new POP3StreamResponse(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, "Message follows", in);
                        return response;
                    } else {
                        StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                        response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                } else {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") already deleted.");
                    response = new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                return ERROR_MESSAGE_RETRIEVE;
        } else {
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            try {
                MessageMetaData meta = MessageMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(session, num);
                if (meta == null) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                    return  new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                List<Long> deletedUidList = (List<Long>) session.getAttachment(POP3Session.DELETED_UID_LIST, State.Transaction);

                Long uid = meta.getUid();

                if (deletedUidList.contains(uid)) {
                    StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") already deleted.");
                    return new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
                } else {
                    // we are replacing our reference with "DELETED", so we have
                    // to dispose the no-more-referenced mail object.
                    return DELETED;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException iob) {
                StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Message (").append(num).append(") does not exist.");
                return  new POP3Response(POP3Response.ERR_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
        } else {
            return POP3Response.ERR;
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                StringBuilder responseBuffer = new StringBuilder(64).append("Welcome ").append(session.getUser());
                return  new POP3Response(POP3Response.OK_RESPONSE, responseBuffer.toString());
            } else {
                return AUTH_FAILED;
        } catch (Exception e) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.james.protocols.pop3.TestUtils

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