Package org.apache.james.mailbox.maildir

Examples of org.apache.james.mailbox.maildir.MaildirFolder


    private List<Message<Integer>> findMessagesInMailbox(Mailbox<Integer> mailbox, FilenameFilter filter, int limit)
            throws MailboxException {
        MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
        try {
            SortedMap<Long, MaildirMessageName> uidMap = folder.getUidMap(mailboxSession, filter, limit);

            ArrayList<Message<Integer>> filtered = new ArrayList<Message<Integer>>(uidMap.size());
            for (Entry<Long, MaildirMessageName> entry : uidMap.entrySet())
                filtered.add(new MaildirMessage(mailbox, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            return filtered;
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    private List<Message<Integer>> findDeletedMessageInMailboxWithUID(Mailbox<Integer> mailbox, long uid)
            throws MailboxException {
        MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
        try {
            MaildirMessageName messageName = folder.getMessageNameByUid(mailboxSession, uid);
            ArrayList<Message<Integer>> messages = new ArrayList<Message<Integer>>();
            if (MaildirMessageName.FILTER_DELETED_MESSAGES.accept(null, messageName.getFullName())) {
                messages.add(new MaildirMessage(mailbox, uid, messageName));
            return messages;
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    public void save(Mailbox<Integer> mailbox) throws MailboxException {
        try {
            Mailbox<Integer> originalMailbox = getCachedMailbox(mailbox.getMailboxId());
            MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
            // equals with null check
            if (originalMailbox.getName() == null ? mailbox.getName() != null : !originalMailbox.getName().equals(mailbox.getName())) {
                if (folder.exists())
                    throw new MailboxExistsException(mailbox.getName());
                MaildirFolder originalFolder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(originalMailbox);
                // renaming the INBOX means to move its contents to the new folder
                if (originalMailbox.getName().equals(MailboxConstants.INBOX)) {
                    try {
                        File inboxFolder = originalFolder.getRootFile();
                        File newFolder = folder.getRootFile();
                        if (!newFolder.mkdirs())
                            throw new IOException("Could not create folder " + newFolder);
                        if (!originalFolder.getCurFolder().renameTo(folder.getCurFolder()))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename folder " + originalFolder.getCurFolder() + " to " + folder.getCurFolder());
                        if (!originalFolder.getNewFolder().renameTo(folder.getNewFolder()))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename folder " + originalFolder.getNewFolder() + " to " + folder.getNewFolder());
                        if (!originalFolder.getTmpFolder().renameTo(folder.getTmpFolder()))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename folder " + originalFolder.getTmpFolder() + " to " + folder.getTmpFolder());
                        File oldUidListFile = new File(inboxFolder, MaildirFolder.UIDLIST_FILE);
                        File newUidListFile = new File(newFolder, MaildirFolder.UIDLIST_FILE);
                        if (!oldUidListFile.renameTo(newUidListFile))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename file " + oldUidListFile + " to " + newUidListFile);
                        File oldValidityFile = new File(inboxFolder, MaildirFolder.VALIDITY_FILE);
                        File newValidityFile = new File(newFolder, MaildirFolder.VALIDITY_FILE);
                        if (!oldValidityFile.renameTo(newValidityFile))
                            throw new IOException("Could not rename file " + oldValidityFile + " to " + newValidityFile);
                        // recreate the INBOX folders, uidvalidity and uidlist will
                        // automatically be recreated later
                        if (!originalFolder.getCurFolder().mkdir())
                            throw new IOException("Could not create folder " + originalFolder.getCurFolder());
                        if (!originalFolder.getNewFolder().mkdir())
                            throw new IOException("Could not create folder " + originalFolder.getNewFolder());
                        if (!originalFolder.getTmpFolder().mkdir())
                            throw new IOException("Could not create folder " + originalFolder.getTmpFolder());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new MailboxException("Failed to save Mailbox " + mailbox, e);
                else {
                    if (!originalFolder.getRootFile().renameTo(folder.getRootFile()))
                        throw new MailboxException("Failed to save Mailbox " + mailbox,
                                new IOException("Could not rename folder " + originalFolder));
        } catch (MailboxNotFoundException e) {
            // it cannot be found and is thus new
            MaildirFolder folder = maildirStore.createMaildirFolder(mailbox);
            if (!folder.exists()) {
                boolean success = folder.getRootFile().exists();
                if (!success) success = folder.getRootFile().mkdirs();
                if (!success)
                    throw new MailboxException("Failed to save Mailbox " + mailbox);
                success = folder.getCurFolder().mkdir();
                success = success && folder.getNewFolder().mkdir();
                success = success && folder.getTmpFolder().mkdir();
                if (!success)
                    throw new MailboxException("Failed to save Mailbox " + mailbox, new IOException("Needed folder structure can not be created"));

            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                throw new MailboxException("Failed to save Mailbox " + mailbox, ioe);

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Related Classes of org.apache.james.mailbox.maildir.MaildirFolder

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