Package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.client.methods

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.client.methods.DavMethodBase

            put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("foo", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            //create new binding of R with path bindtest2/res2
            DavMethodBase bind = new BindMethod(subcol2, new BindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(bind);
            assertEquals(201, status);
            //check if both bindings report the same DAV:resource-id
            assertEquals(this.getResourceId(testres1), this.getResourceId(testres2));
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            status = this.client.executeMethod(get);
            assertEquals(200, status);
            assertEquals("foo", get.getResponseBodyAsString());

            //rebind R with path bindtest2/res2
            DavMethodBase rebind = new RebindMethod(subcol2, new RebindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(rebind);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            URI r2 = this.getResourceId(testres2);
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            put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("bar", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            //try to create new binding of R with path bindtest2/res2 and Overwrite:F
            DavMethodBase bind = new BindMethod(subcol2, new BindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
            bind.addRequestHeader(new Header("Overwrite", "F"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(bind);
            assertEquals(412, status);

            //verify that bindtest2/res2 still points to R'
            GetMethod get = new GetMethod(testres2);
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            put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("foo", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            //create new binding of R with path testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2
            DavMethodBase bind = new BindMethod(subcol2, new BindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(bind);
            assertEquals(201, status);
            //check if both bindings report the same DAV:resource-id
            assertEquals(this.getResourceId(testres1), this.getResourceId(testres2));
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            put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("foo", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            //create new binding of C with path a2/b2
            DavMethodBase bind = new BindMethod(a2, new BindInfo(b1, "b2"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(bind);
            assertEquals(201, status);
            //check if both bindings report the same DAV:resource-id
            assertEquals(this.getResourceId(b1), this.getResourceId(b2));
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            put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("foo", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
            assertEquals(201, status);

            //create new binding of R with path testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2
            DavMethodBase bind = new BindMethod(subcol2, new BindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
            status = this.client.executeMethod(bind);
            assertEquals(201, status);
            //check if both bindings report the same DAV:resource-id
            assertEquals(this.getResourceId(testres1), this.getResourceId(testres2));
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        DavPropertyNameSet nameSet = new DavPropertyNameSet();
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_UUID_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_NAME_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_INDEX_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        DavMethodBase method = null;
        try {
            method = new PropFindMethod(uri, nameSet, DavConstants.DEPTH_0);

            MultiStatusResponse[] responses = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus().getResponses();
            if (responses.length != 1) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the node with id " + uri);
            return buildNodeId(parentId, uri, responses[0], sessionInfo.getWorkspaceName(), service.getNamePathResolver(sessionInfo));

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } catch (DavException e) {
            throw ExceptionConverter.generate(e);
        } finally {
            if (method != null) {
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        DavPropertyNameSet nameSet = new DavPropertyNameSet();
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_UUID_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_NAME_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_INDEX_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        DavMethodBase method = null;
        try {
            method = new PropFindMethod(uri, nameSet, DavConstants.DEPTH_0);

            MultiStatusResponse[] responses = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus().getResponses();
            if (responses.length != 1) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the node with id " + uri);
            return buildNodeId(parentId, responses[0], sessionInfo.getWorkspaceName(), service.getNamePathResolver(sessionInfo));

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } catch (DavException e) {
            throw ExceptionConverter.generate(e);
        } finally {
            if (method != null) {
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        // set of properties to be retrieved
        DavPropertyNameSet nameSet = new DavPropertyNameSet();
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_DEFINITION_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);

        DavMethodBase method = null;
        try {
            String uri = getItemUri(itemId, sessionInfo);
            method = new PropFindMethod(uri, nameSet, DEPTH_0);

            MultiStatusResponse[] responses = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus().getResponses();
            if (responses.length < 1) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the item definition for " + saveGetIdString(itemId, sessionInfo));
            if (responses.length > 1) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Internal error: ambigous item definition found '" + saveGetIdString(itemId, sessionInfo) + "'.");
            DavPropertySet propertySet = responses[0].getProperties(DavServletResponse.SC_OK);

            // check if definition matches the type of the id
            DavProperty<?> rType = propertySet.get(DavPropertyName.RESOURCETYPE);
            if (rType.getValue() == null && itemId.denotesNode()) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Internal error: requested node definition and got property definition.");

            NamePathResolver resolver = getNamePathResolver(sessionInfo);

            // build the definition
            QItemDefinition definition = null;
            DavProperty<?> prop = propertySet.get(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_DEFINITION_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
            if (prop != null) {
                Object value = prop.getValue();
                if (value != null && value instanceof Element) {
                    Element idfElem = (Element) value;
                    if (itemId.denotesNode()) {
                        definition = DefinitionUtil.createQNodeDefinition(null, idfElem, resolver);
                    } else {
                        definition = DefinitionUtil.createQPropertyDefinition(null, idfElem, resolver, getQValueFactory());
            if (definition == null) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Unable to retrieve definition for item with id '" + saveGetIdString(itemId, resolver) + "'.");
            return definition;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } catch (DavException e) {
            throw ExceptionConverter.generate(e);
        } finally {
            if (method != null) {
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        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_REFERENCES_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_UUID_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);
        nameSet.add(JcrRemotingConstants.JCR_PATH_LN, ItemResourceConstants.NAMESPACE);

        DavMethodBase method = null;
        try {
            String uri = getItemUri(nodeId, sessionInfo);
            method = new PropFindMethod(uri, nameSet, DEPTH_1);

            MultiStatusResponse[] responses = method.getResponseBodyAsMultiStatus().getResponses();
            if (responses.length < 1) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the node with id " + saveGetIdString(nodeId, sessionInfo));

            MultiStatusResponse nodeResponse = null;
            List<MultiStatusResponse> childResponses = new ArrayList<MultiStatusResponse>();
            for (MultiStatusResponse response : responses) {
                if (isSameResource(uri, response)) {
                    nodeResponse = response;
                } else {

            if (nodeResponse == null) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("Unable to retrieve the node " + saveGetIdString(nodeId, sessionInfo));

            DavPropertySet propSet = nodeResponse.getProperties(DavServletResponse.SC_OK);
            Object type = propSet.get(DavPropertyName.RESOURCETYPE).getValue();
            if (type == null) {
                // the given id points to a Property instead of a Node
                throw new ItemNotFoundException("No node for id " + saveGetIdString(nodeId, sessionInfo));

            NamePathResolver resolver = getNamePathResolver(sessionInfo);
            NodeId parentId = getParentId(propSet, sessionInfo);

            NodeInfoImpl nInfo = buildNodeInfo(nodeResponse, parentId, propSet, sessionInfo, resolver);

            for (MultiStatusResponse resp : childResponses) {
                DavPropertySet childProps = resp.getProperties(DavServletResponse.SC_OK);
                if (childProps.contains(DavPropertyName.RESOURCETYPE) &&
                        childProps.get(DavPropertyName.RESOURCETYPE).getValue() != null) {
                    // any other resource type than default (empty) is represented by a node item
                    // --> build child info object
                    nInfo.addChildInfo(buildChildInfo(childProps, sessionInfo));
                } else {
                    PropertyId childId = uriResolver.buildPropertyId(nInfo.getId(), resp, sessionInfo.getWorkspaceName(), getNamePathResolver(sessionInfo));
            return nInfo;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } catch (DavException e) {
            throw ExceptionConverter.generate(e);
        } catch (NameException e) {
            throw new RepositoryException(e);
        } finally {
            if (method != null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.client.methods.DavMethodBase

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