put.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity("bar", "text/plain", "UTF-8"));
status = this.client.executeMethod(put);
assertEquals(201, status);
//try rebind R with path testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2 and Overwrite:F
RebindMethod rebind = new RebindMethod(subcol2, new RebindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
rebind.addRequestHeader(new Header("Overwrite", "F"));
status = this.client.executeMethod(rebind);
assertEquals(412, status);
//verify that testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2 still points to R'
GetMethod get = new GetMethod(testres2);
status = this.client.executeMethod(get);
assertEquals(200, status);
assertEquals("bar", get.getResponseBodyAsString());
//rebind R with path testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2
rebind = new RebindMethod(subcol2, new RebindInfo(testres1, "res2"));
status = this.client.executeMethod(rebind);
assertTrue("status: " + status, status == 200 || status == 204);
//verify that testSimpleBind/bindtest2/res2 now points to R
get = new GetMethod(testres2);