} else if (XS_DATETIME.equals(funName)) {
// check arguments
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (queryNode instanceof RelationQueryNode) {
RelationQueryNode rel = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
SimpleNode literal = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtGetChild(0);
if (literal.getId() == JJTSTRINGLITERAL) {
String value = literal.getValue();
// strip quotes
value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1);
Calendar c = ISO8601.parse(value);
if (c == null) {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unable to parse string literal for xs:dateTime: " + value));
} else {
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong argument type for xs:dateTime"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for function xs:dateTime"));
} else {
// wrong number of arguments
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of arguments for xs:dateTime"));
} else if (JCR_CONTAINS.equals(funName)) {
// check number of arguments
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
if (queryNode instanceof NAryQueryNode) {
SimpleNode literal = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtGetChild(0);
if (literal.getId() == JJTSTRINGLITERAL) {
TextsearchQueryNode contains = factory.createTextsearchQueryNode(
queryNode, unescapeQuotes(literal.getValue()));
// assign property name
SimpleNode path = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(1);
path.jjtAccept(this, contains);
((NAryQueryNode) queryNode).addOperand(contains);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong argument type for jcr:contains"));
} else {
// wrong number of arguments
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of arguments for jcr:contains"));
} else if (JCR_LIKE.equals(funName)) {
// check number of arguments
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
if (queryNode instanceof NAryQueryNode) {
RelationQueryNode like = factory.createRelationQueryNode(
queryNode, RelationQueryNode.OPERATION_LIKE);
((NAryQueryNode) queryNode).addOperand(like);
// assign property name
node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, like);
// check property name
if (like.getRelativePath() == null) {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong first argument type for jcr:like"));
SimpleNode literal = (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtGetChild(0);
if (literal.getId() == JJTSTRINGLITERAL) {
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong second argument type for jcr:like"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for function jcr:like"));
} else {
// wrong number of arguments
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of arguments for jcr:like"));
} else if (FN_TRUE.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode rel = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for true()"));
} else if (FN_FALSE.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode rel = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for false()"));
} else if (FN_POSITION.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode rel = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
if (rel.getOperation() == RelationQueryNode.OPERATION_EQ_GENERAL) {
// set dummy value to set type of relation query node
// will be overwritten when the tree is further parsed.
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported expression with position(). Only = is supported."));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for position()"));
} else if (FN_FIRST.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
((RelationQueryNode) queryNode).setPositionValue(1);
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_LOCATION) {
((LocationStepQueryNode) queryNode).setIndex(1);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for first()"));
} else if (FN_LAST.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
((RelationQueryNode) queryNode).setPositionValue(LocationStepQueryNode.LAST);
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_LOCATION) {
((LocationStepQueryNode) queryNode).setIndex(LocationStepQueryNode.LAST);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for last()"));
} else if (JCR_DEREF.equals(funName)) {
// check number of arguments
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
boolean descendant = false;
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_LOCATION) {
LocationStepQueryNode loc = (LocationStepQueryNode) queryNode;
// remember if descendant axis
descendant = loc.getIncludeDescendants();
queryNode = loc.getParent();
((NAryQueryNode) queryNode).removeOperand(loc);
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_PATH) {
PathQueryNode pathNode = (PathQueryNode) queryNode;
pathNode.addPathStep(createDerefQueryNode(node, descendant, pathNode));
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode relNode = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
DerefQueryNode deref = createDerefQueryNode(node, descendant, relNode.getRelativePath());
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for jcr:deref()"));
} else if (JCR_SCORE.equals(funName)) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_ORDER) {
setOrderSpecPath(node, (OrderQueryNode) queryNode);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for jcr:score()"));
} else if (FN_LOWER_CASE.equals(funName)) {
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode relNode = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
relNode, PropertyFunctionQueryNode.LOWER_CASE));
// get property name
node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, relNode);
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_ORDER) {
((OrderQueryNode) queryNode).setFunction(FN_LOWER_CASE.getLocalName());
node.childrenAccept(this, queryNode);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for fn:lower-case()"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of argument for fn:lower-case()"));
} else if (FN_UPPER_CASE.equals(funName)) {
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
RelationQueryNode relNode = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
relNode, PropertyFunctionQueryNode.UPPER_CASE));
// get property name
node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, relNode);
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_ORDER) {
((OrderQueryNode) queryNode).setFunction(FN_UPPER_CASE.getLocalName());
node.childrenAccept(this, queryNode);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for fn:upper-case()"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of argument for fn:upper-case()"));
} else if (REP_NORMALIZE.equals(funName)) {
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_ORDER) {
((OrderQueryNode) queryNode).setFunction(REP_NORMALIZE.getLocalName());
node.childrenAccept(this, queryNode);
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Unsupported location for rep:normalize()"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException("Wrong number of argument for rep:normalize()"));
} else if (REP_SIMILAR.equals(funName)) {
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 3) {
if (queryNode instanceof NAryQueryNode) {
NAryQueryNode parent = (NAryQueryNode) queryNode;
RelationQueryNode rel = factory.createRelationQueryNode(
parent, RelationQueryNode.OPERATION_SIMILAR);
// assign path
node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, rel);
// get path string
node.jjtGetChild(2).jjtAccept(this, rel);
// check if string is set
if (rel.getStringValue() == null) {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Second argument for rep:similar() must be of type string"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Unsupported location for rep:similar()"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Wrong number of arguments for rep:similar()"));
} else if (REP_SPELLCHECK.equals(funName)
&& queryNode.getType() != QueryNode.TYPE_PATH) {
if (node.jjtGetNumChildren() == 2) {
if (queryNode instanceof NAryQueryNode) {
NAryQueryNode parent = (NAryQueryNode) queryNode;
RelationQueryNode rel = factory.createRelationQueryNode(
parent, RelationQueryNode.OPERATION_SPELLCHECK);
// get string to check
node.jjtGetChild(1).jjtAccept(this, rel);
// check if string is set
if (rel.getStringValue() == null) {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Argument for rep:spellcheck() must be of type string"));
// set a dummy property name
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Unsupported location for rep:spellcheck()"));
} else {
exceptions.add(new InvalidQueryException(
"Wrong number of arguments for rep:spellcheck()"));
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_RELATION) {
// use function name as name of a pseudo property in a relation
try {
Name name = resolver.getQName(fName + "()");
Path.Element element = PATH_FACTORY.createElement(name);
RelationQueryNode relNode = (RelationQueryNode) queryNode;
} catch (NameException e) {
} else if (queryNode.getType() == QueryNode.TYPE_PATH) {
// use function name as name of a pseudo property in select clause