Name propName = pi.getName();
TextValue[] tva = pi.getValues();
int infoType = pi.getType();
PropertyState propState = null;
QPropertyDefinition def = null;
NodeEntry parentEntry = (NodeEntry) parentState.getHierarchyEntry();
PropertyEntry pEntry = parentEntry.getPropertyEntry(propName);
if (pEntry != null) {
// a property with that name already exists...
try {
PropertyState existing = pEntry.getPropertyState();
def = existing.getDefinition();
if (def.isProtected()) {
// skip protected property
log.debug("skipping protected property " + LogUtil.safeGetJCRPath(existing, session.getPathResolver()));
if (def.isAutoCreated()
&& (existing.getType() == infoType || infoType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED)
&& def.isMultiple() == existing.isMultiValued()) {
// this property has already been auto-created, no need to create it
propState = existing;
} else {
throw new ItemExistsException(LogUtil.safeGetJCRPath(existing, session.getPathResolver()));
} catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
// property apperently doesn't exist any more
// -> ignore
Name[] parentNtNames = parentState.getAllNodeTypeNames();
if (def == null) {
// there's no property with that name, find applicable definition
if (tva.length == 1) {
// could be single- or multi-valued (n == 1)
def = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQPropertyDefinition(parentNtNames, propName, infoType);
} else {
// can only be multi-valued (n == 0 || n > 1)
def = session.getItemDefinitionProvider().getQPropertyDefinition(parentNtNames, propName, infoType, true);
if (def.isProtected()) {
// skip protected property
log.debug("skipping protected property " + propName);
// retrieve the target property type needed for creation of QValue(s)
// including an eventual conversion. the targetType is then needed for
// setting/updating the type of the property-state.
int targetType = def.getRequiredType();
if (targetType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
if (infoType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
targetType = PropertyType.STRING;
} else {
targetType = infoType;
QValue[] values = getPropertyValues(pi, targetType, def.isMultiple(), resolver);
if (propState == null) {
// create new property
Operation ap = AddProperty.create(parentState, propName, targetType, def, values);
propState = parentEntry.getPropertyEntry(propName).getPropertyState();