Package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.ChildNodeEntry

    public NodeState getChildNode(@Nonnull String name) {
        NodeState child = state.getChildNode(checkNotNull(name));
        if (child.exists() && !treePermission.canReadAll()) {
            ChildNodeEntry entry = new MemoryChildNodeEntry(name, child);
            return new WrapChildEntryFunction().apply(entry).getNodeState();
        } else {
            return child;
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        public ChildNodeEntry next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            ChildNodeEntry entry =;
            previousName = entry.getName();
            return entry;
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                    public boolean hasNext() {
                        return iterator.hasNext();
                    public Tree next() {
                        ChildNodeEntry entry =;
                        return new ReadOnlyTree(
                                entry.getName(), entry.getNodeState());
                    public void remove() {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
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        Iterable<ChildNodeEntry> children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState);
        assertNotNull("The iterable cannot be null", children);
        assertEquals("Expecting 2 items in the index", 2, Iterators.size(children.iterator()));

        // ensuring the right sequence
        ChildNodeEntry entry = null;
        children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState);
        Iterator<ChildNodeEntry> it = children.iterator();
        assertTrue("We should have 2 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The first element should be n1", n1, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node1, entry.getNodeState());
        assertTrue("We should have 1 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The second element should be n0", n0, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node0, entry.getNodeState());
        assertFalse("We should have be at the end of the list", it.hasNext());
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        Iterable<ChildNodeEntry> children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState, false);
        assertNotNull("The iterable cannot be null", children);
        assertEquals("Expecting 2 items in the index", 2, Iterators.size(children.iterator()));

        // ensuring the right sequence
        ChildNodeEntry entry = null;
        children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState);
        Iterator<ChildNodeEntry> it = children.iterator();
        assertTrue("We should have 2 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The first element should be n1", n1, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node1, entry.getNodeState());
        assertTrue("We should have 1 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The second element should be n0", n0, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node0, entry.getNodeState());
        assertFalse("We should have be at the end of the list", it.hasNext());
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        Iterable<ChildNodeEntry> children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState, true);
        assertNotNull("The iterable cannot be null", children);
        assertEquals("Expecting 3 items in the index", 3, Iterators.size(children.iterator()));

        // ensuring the right sequence
        ChildNodeEntry entry = null;
        children = (Iterable<ChildNodeEntry>) store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState, true);
        Iterator<ChildNodeEntry> it = children.iterator();
        assertTrue("We should still have elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The first element should be :start", START, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", nodeStart, entry.getNodeState());
        assertTrue("We should still have elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The second element should be n1", n1, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node1, entry.getNodeState());
        assertTrue("We should still have elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The third element should be n0", n0, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node0, entry.getNodeState());
        assertFalse("We should be at the end of the list", it.hasNext());
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        Iterable<? extends ChildNodeEntry> children = store.getChildNodeEntries(index.getNodeState(), true);
        assertEquals("Wrong size of Iterable", 1, Iterators.size(children.iterator()));

        Iterator<? extends ChildNodeEntry> it = store.getChildNodeEntries(index.getNodeState(), true).iterator();
        assertTrue("We should have at least 1 element", it.hasNext());
        ChildNodeEntry entry =;
        assertEquals(":start is expected", START, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("wrong node returned", nodeStart, entry.getNodeState());
        assertFalse("We should be at the end of the list", it.hasNext());
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        Iterator<? extends ChildNodeEntry> children = store.getChildNodeEntries(index.getNodeState(), true).iterator();
        assertEquals("Wrong number of children", 1, Iterators.size(children));

        children = store.getChildNodeEntries(index.getNodeState(), true).iterator();
        assertTrue("at least one item expected", children.hasNext());
        ChildNodeEntry child =;
        assertEquals(START, child.getName());
        assertEquals(nodeStart, child.getNodeState());
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        Iterable<? extends ChildNodeEntry> children = store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState);
        assertNotNull("The iterable cannot be null", children);
        assertEquals("Expecting 2 items in the index", 2, Iterators.size(children.iterator()));

        // ensuring the right sequence
        ChildNodeEntry entry = null;
        children = store.getChildNodeEntries(indexState);
        Iterator<? extends ChildNodeEntry> it = children.iterator();
        assertTrue("We should have 2 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The first element should be n1", n1, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node1, entry.getNodeState());
        assertTrue("We should have 1 elements left to loop through", it.hasNext());
        entry =;
        assertEquals("The second element should be n0", n0, entry.getName());
        assertEquals("Wrong entry returned", node0, entry.getNodeState());
        assertFalse("We should have be at the end of the list", it.hasNext());
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                                                     : encode(pr.last.getValue(Type.STRING));
        if (firstEncoded != null && !firstEncoded.equals(lastEncoded)) {
            // '>' & '>=' and between use case
            LOG.debug("'>' & '>=' and between use case");
            ChildNodeEntry firstValueableItem;
            String firstValuableItemKey;
            Iterable<String> it = Collections.emptyList();
            Iterable<ChildNodeEntry> childrenIterable;
            if (lastEncoded == null) {
                LOG.debug("> & >= case.");
                firstValuableItemKey = seek(index,
                    new PredicateGreaterThan(firstEncoded, pr.firstIncluding));
                if (firstValuableItemKey != null) {
                    firstValueableItem = new OrderedChildNodeEntry(firstValuableItemKey,
                    if (direction.isAscending()) {
                        childrenIterable = new SeekedIterable(indexState, firstValueableItem);
                        it = new QueryResultsWrapper(filter, indexName, childrenIterable);
                    } else {
                        it = new QueryResultsWrapper(filter, indexName, new BetweenIterable(
                            indexState, firstValueableItem, firstEncoded,
                            pr.firstIncluding, direction));
            } else {
                String first, last;
                boolean includeFirst, includeLast;
                first = firstEncoded;
                last = lastEncoded;
                includeFirst = pr.firstIncluding;
                includeLast = pr.lastIncluding;

                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    final String op1 = includeFirst ? ">=" : ">";
                    final String op2 = includeLast ? "<=" : "<";
                    LOG.debug("in between case. direction: {} - Condition: (x {} {} AND x {} {})",
                        new Object[] { direction, op1, first, op2, last });

                if (direction.equals(OrderDirection.ASC)) {
                    firstValuableItemKey = seek(index,
                        new PredicateGreaterThan(first, includeFirst));
                } else {
                    firstValuableItemKey = seek(index,
                        new PredicateLessThan(last, includeLast));
                LOG.debug("firstValueableItem: {}", firstValuableItemKey);
                if (firstValuableItemKey != null) {
                    firstValueableItem = new OrderedChildNodeEntry(firstValuableItemKey,
                    childrenIterable = new BetweenIterable(indexState, firstValueableItem, last,
                        includeLast, direction);
                    it = new QueryResultsWrapper(filter, indexName, childrenIterable);

            return it;
        } else if (lastEncoded != null && !lastEncoded.equals(firstEncoded)) {
            // '<' & '<=' use case
            LOG.debug("'<' & '<=' use case");
            final String searchfor = lastEncoded;
            final boolean include = pr.lastIncluding;
            Predicate<String> predicate = new PredicateLessThan(searchfor, include);
            LOG.debug("< & <= case. - searchfor: {} - include: {} - predicate: {}",
                new Object[] { searchfor, include, predicate });

            ChildNodeEntry firstValueableItem;
            String firstValueableItemKey =  seek(index, predicate);
            LOG.debug("firstValuableItem: {}", firstValueableItemKey);
            Iterable<String> it = Collections.emptyList();
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Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.state.ChildNodeEntry

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