
Examples of

    public synchronized void unregisterNodeTypes(Collection ntNames)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, RepositoryException {
        // do some preliminary checks
        for (Iterator iter = ntNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            QName ntName = (QName);
            if (!registeredNTDefs.containsKey(ntName)) {
                throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(ntName.toString());
            if (builtInNTDefs.contains(ntName)) {
                throw new RepositoryException(ntName.toString()
                        + ": can't unregister built-in node type.");
            // check for node types other than those to be unregistered
            // that depend on the given node types
            Set dependents = getDependentNodeTypes(ntName);
            if (dependents.size() > 0) {
                StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
                        + " can not be removed because the following node types depend on it: ");
                for (Iterator depIter = dependents.iterator(); depIter.hasNext();) {
                    msg.append(" ");
                throw new RepositoryException(msg.toString());

        // make sure node types are not currently in use
        for (Iterator iter = ntNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            QName ntName = (QName);

        // all preconditions are met, node types can now safely be unregistered

        // persist removal of node type definitions & notify listeners
        for (Iterator iter = ntNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            QName ntName = (QName);
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     * @throws RepositoryException
    public synchronized EffectiveNodeType reregisterNodeType(NodeTypeDef ntd)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException, InvalidNodeTypeDefException,
            RepositoryException {
        QName name = ntd.getName();
        if (!registeredNTDefs.containsKey(name)) {
            throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException(name.toString());
        if (builtInNTDefs.contains(name)) {
            throw new RepositoryException(name.toString()
                    + ": can't reregister built-in node type.");

         * validate new node type definition
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                if (reqPrimaryTypes != null && reqPrimaryTypes.length > 0) {
                    for (int n = 0; n < reqPrimaryTypes.length; n++) {
                        ps.print("\t\tRequiredPrimaryType\t" + reqPrimaryTypes[n]);
                QName defPrimaryType = nd[i].getDefaultPrimaryType();
                if (defPrimaryType != null) {
                    ps.print("\n\t\tDefaultPrimaryType\t" + defPrimaryType);
                ps.println("\n\t\tAutoCreated\t" + nd[i].isAutoCreated());
                ps.println("\t\tMandatory\t" + nd[i].isMandatory());
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    static void checkForCircularInheritance(QName[] supertypes,
                                     Stack inheritanceChain,
                                     Map ntDefCache)
            throws InvalidNodeTypeDefException, RepositoryException {
        for (int i = 0; i < supertypes.length; i++) {
            QName nt = supertypes[i];
            int pos = inheritanceChain.lastIndexOf(nt);
            if (pos >= 0) {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                for (int j = 0; j < inheritanceChain.size(); j++) {
                    if (j == pos) {
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            throws InvalidNodeTypeDefException {
        // check for circularity through default node types of auto-created child nodes
        // (node type 'a' defines auto-created child node with default node type 'a')
        QName[] childNodeNTs = childNodeENT.getAllNodeTypes();
        for (int i = 0; i < childNodeNTs.length; i++) {
            QName nt = childNodeNTs[i];
            int pos = definingParentNTs.lastIndexOf(nt);
            if (pos >= 0) {
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                for (int j = 0; j < definingParentNTs.size(); j++) {
                    if (j == pos) {
                        buf.append("--> ");
                    buf.append("node type ");
                    buf.append(" defines auto-created child node with default ");
                buf.append("--> ");
                buf.append("node type ");
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException("circular node auto-creation detected: "
                        + buf.toString());

        NodeDef[] nodeDefs = childNodeENT.getAutoCreateNodeDefs();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeDefs.length; i++) {
            QName dnt = nodeDefs[i].getDefaultPrimaryType();
            QName definingNT = nodeDefs[i].getDeclaringNodeType();
            try {
                if (dnt != null) {
                    // check recursively
                    checkForCircularNodeAutoCreation(getEffectiveNodeType(dnt, anEntCache, ntDefCache),
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    private EffectiveNodeType internalRegister(NodeTypeDef ntd)
            throws InvalidNodeTypeDefException, RepositoryException {
        QName name = ntd.getName();
        if (name != null && registeredNTDefs.containsKey(name)) {
            String msg = name + " already exists";
            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
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        // temporarily register the node type definition
        // and do some preliminary checks
        for (Iterator iter = ntDefs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            NodeTypeDef ntd = (NodeTypeDef);
            QName name = ntd.getName();
            if (name != null && registeredNTDefs.containsKey(name)) {
                String msg = name + " already exists";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
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    private void internalUnregister(Collection ntNames)
            throws NoSuchNodeTypeException {
        for (Iterator iter = ntNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            QName name = (QName);
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         * will be created already at an earlier stage during the validation
         * of child node definitions
        EffectiveNodeType ent = null;

        QName name = ntd.getName();
        if (name == null) {
            String msg = "no name specified";
            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
        checkNamespace(name, nsReg);

        // validate supertypes
        QName[] supertypes = ntd.getSupertypes();
        if (supertypes.length > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < supertypes.length; i++) {
                checkNamespace(supertypes[i], nsReg);
                 * simple check for infinite recursion
                 * (won't trap recursion on a deeper inheritance level)
                if (name.equals(supertypes[i])) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "] invalid supertype: "
                            + supertypes[i] + " (infinite recursion))";
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
                if (!ntdCache.containsKey(supertypes[i])) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "] invalid supertype: "
                            + supertypes[i];
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);

             * check for circularity in inheritance chain
             * ('a' extends 'b' extends 'a')
            Stack inheritanceChain = new Stack();
            checkForCircularInheritance(supertypes, inheritanceChain, ntdCache);

         * note that infinite recursion through inheritance is automatically
         * being checked by the following call to getEffectiveNodeType(...)
         * as it's impossible to register a node type definition which
         * references a supertype that isn't registered yet...

         * build effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type from supertypes
         * and check for conflicts
        if (supertypes.length > 0) {
            try {
                EffectiveNodeType est = getEffectiveNodeType(supertypes, entCache, ntdCache);
                // make sure that all primary types except nt:base extend from nt:base
                if (!ntd.isMixin() && !QName.NT_BASE.equals(ntd.getName())
                        && !est.includesNodeType(QName.NT_BASE)) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "] all primary node types except"
                            + " nt:base itself must be (directly or indirectly) derived from nt:base";
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "] failed to validate supertypes";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, ntce);
            } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException nsnte) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "] failed to validate supertypes";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, nsnte);

        checkNamespace(ntd.getPrimaryItemName(), nsReg);

        // validate property definitions
        PropDef[] pda = ntd.getPropertyDefs();
        for (int i = 0; i < pda.length; i++) {
            PropDef pd = pda[i];
             * sanity check:
             * make sure declaring node type matches name of node type definition
            if (!name.equals(pd.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                        + "] invalid declaring node type specified";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            checkNamespace(pd.getName(), nsReg);
            // check that auto-created properties specify a name
            if (pd.definesResidual() && pd.isAutoCreated()) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                        + "] auto-created properties must specify a name";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            // check that auto-created properties specify a type
            if (pd.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.UNDEFINED
                    && pd.isAutoCreated()) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                        + "] auto-created properties must specify a type";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
             * check default values:
             * make sure type of value is consistent with required property type
            InternalValue[] defVals = pd.getDefaultValues();
            if (defVals != null && defVals.length != 0) {
                int reqType = pd.getRequiredType();
                for (int j = 0; j < defVals.length; j++) {
                    if (reqType == PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
                        reqType = defVals[j].getType();
                    } else {
                        if (defVals[j].getType() != reqType) {
                            String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                                    + "] type of default value(s) is not consistent with required property type";
                            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            } else {
                // no default values specified
                if (!lenient) {
                    // auto-created properties must have a default value
                    if (pd.isAutoCreated()) {
                        String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                                + "] auto-created property must have a default value";
                        throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);

            // check that default values satisfy value constraints
            ValueConstraint[] constraints = pd.getValueConstraints();
            if (constraints != null && constraints.length > 0) {
                if (defVals != null && defVals.length > 0) {
                    // check value constraints on every value
                    for (int j = 0; j < defVals.length; j++) {
                        // constraints are OR-ed together
                        boolean satisfied = false;
                        ConstraintViolationException cve = null;
                        for (int k = 0; k < constraints.length; k++) {
                            try {
                                // at least one constraint is satisfied
                                satisfied = true;
                            } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) {
                                cve = e;
                        if (!satisfied) {
                            // report last exception we encountered
                            String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                                    + "] default value does not satisfy value constraint";
                            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, cve);

                 * ReferenceConstraint:
                 * the specified node type must be registered, with one notable
                 * exception: the node type just being registered
                if (pd.getRequiredType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < constraints.length; j++) {
                        ReferenceConstraint rc = (ReferenceConstraint) constraints[j];
                        QName ntName = rc.getNodeTypeName();
                        if (!name.equals(ntName) && !ntdCache.containsKey(ntName)) {
                            String msg = "[" + name + "#" + pd.getName()
                                    + "] invalid REFERENCE value constraint '"
                                    + ntName + "' (unknown node type)";
                            throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);

        // validate child-node definitions
        NodeDef[] cnda = ntd.getChildNodeDefs();
        for (int i = 0; i < cnda.length; i++) {
            NodeDef cnd = cnda[i];
             * sanity check:
             * make sure declaring node type matches name of node type definition
            if (!name.equals(cnd.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                        + "] invalid declaring node type specified";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            checkNamespace(cnd.getName(), nsReg);
            // check that auto-created child-nodes specify a name
            if (cnd.definesResidual() && cnd.isAutoCreated()) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                        + "] auto-created child-nodes must specify a name";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            // check that auto-created child-nodes specify a default primary type
            if (cnd.getDefaultPrimaryType() == null
                    && cnd.isAutoCreated()) {
                String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                        + "] auto-created child-nodes must specify a default primary type";
                throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
            // check default primary type
            QName dpt = cnd.getDefaultPrimaryType();
            checkNamespace(dpt, nsReg);
            boolean referenceToSelf = false;
            EffectiveNodeType defaultENT = null;
            if (dpt != null) {
                // check if this node type specifies itself as default primary type
                if (name.equals(dpt)) {
                    referenceToSelf = true;
                 * the default primary type must be registered, with one notable
                 * exception: the node type just being registered
                if (!name.equals(dpt) && !ntdCache.containsKey(dpt)) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                            + "] invalid default primary type '" + dpt + "'";
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg);
                 * build effective (i.e. merged and resolved) node type from
                 * default primary type and check for conflicts
                try {
                    if (!referenceToSelf) {
                        defaultENT = getEffectiveNodeType(dpt, entCache, ntdCache);
                    } else {
                         * the default primary type is identical with the node
                         * type just being registered; we have to instantiate it
                         * 'manually'
                        ent = EffectiveNodeType.create(ntd, entCache, ntdCache);
                        defaultENT = ent;
                    if (cnd.isAutoCreated()) {
                         * check for circularity through default primary types
                         * of auto-created child nodes (node type 'a' defines
                         * auto-created child node with default primary type 'a')
                        Stack definingNTs = new Stack();
                        checkForCircularNodeAutoCreation(defaultENT, definingNTs, entCache, ntdCache);
                } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                            + "] failed to validate default primary type";
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, ntce);
                } catch (NoSuchNodeTypeException nsnte) {
                    String msg = "[" + name + "#" + cnd.getName()
                            + "] failed to validate default primary type";
                    throw new InvalidNodeTypeDefException(msg, nsnte);

            // check required primary types
            QName[] reqTypes = cnd.getRequiredPrimaryTypes();
            if (reqTypes != null && reqTypes.length > 0) {
                for (int n = 0; n < reqTypes.length; n++) {
                    QName rpt = reqTypes[n];
                    checkNamespace(rpt, nsReg);
                    referenceToSelf = false;
                     * check if this node type specifies itself as required
                     * primary type
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            // process node

            NodeState node = null;
            NodeId id = nodeInfo.getId();
            QName nodeName = nodeInfo.getName();
            QName ntName = nodeInfo.getNodeTypeName();
            QName[] mixins = nodeInfo.getMixinNames();

            if (parent == null) {
                // parent node was skipped, skip this child node also
                parents.push(null); // push null onto stack for skipped node
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