/* add all new entries defined on the template */
AccessControlEntry[] aces = acl.getAccessControlEntries();
for (AccessControlEntry ace1 : aces) {
AccessControlEntryImpl ace = (AccessControlEntryImpl) ace1;
// create the ACE node
Name nodeName = getUniqueNodeName(aclNode, "entry");
Name ntName = (ace.isAllow()) ? NT_REP_GRANT_ACE : NT_REP_DENY_ACE;
NodeImpl aceNode = addNode(aclNode, nodeName, ntName);
ValueFactory vf = session.getValueFactory();
// write the rep:principalName property
setProperty(aceNode, P_PRINCIPAL_NAME, vf.createValue(ace.getPrincipal().getName()));
// ... and the rep:privileges property
Privilege[] privs = ace.getPrivileges();
Value[] vs = new Value[privs.length];
for (int j = 0; j < privs.length; j++) {
vs[j] = vf.createValue(privs[j].getName(), PropertyType.NAME);
setProperty(aceNode, P_PRIVILEGES, vs);
// store the restrictions:
Set<Name> restrNames = ace.getRestrictions().keySet();
for (Name restrName : restrNames) {
Value value = ace.getRestriction(restrName);
setProperty(aceNode, restrName, value);
// mark the parent modified.