
Examples of

        if (everyonePrincipal.getName().equals(principalName)) {
            return everyonePrincipal;
        try {
            Principal principal = new PrincipalImpl(principalName);
            Authorizable ath = userManager.getAuthorizable(principal);
            if (ath != null) {
                return ath.getPrincipal();
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            log.error("Failed to access Authorizable for Principal " + principalName, e);
        return null;
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     * including inherited membership.
    private Set<Principal> collectGroupMembership(Principal princ) {
        final Set<Principal> membership = new LinkedHashSet<Principal>();
            try {
                final Authorizable auth = userManager.getAuthorizable(princ);
                if (auth != null) {
                    Iterator<Group> itr = auth.memberOf();
                    while (itr.hasNext()) {
                        Group group =;
                        Principal gp = group.getPrincipal();
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           hierarchies (see {@link UserManagerImpl#getAuthorizable(NodeImpl)}.
           this prevents from importing user/group nodes somewhere in the
           content hierarchy which isn't possible when creating user/groups
           using the corresponding API calls  {@link UserManager#createUser} or
           {@link UserManager#createGroup} respectively. */
        Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(parent);
        if (a == null) {
            log.warn("Cannot handle protected PropInfo " + protectedPropInfo + ". Node " + parent + " doesn't represent a valid Authorizable.");
            return false;

        // TODO: check if import should be aborted in case of nested authorizable.

        // assert that user manager is isn't in auto-save mode
        if (userManager.isAutoSave()) {
        try {
            Name propName = protectedPropInfo.getName();
            if (UserConstants.P_PRINCIPAL_NAME.equals(propName)) {
                // minimal validation that passed definition really matches the
                // protected rep:principalName property defined by rep:Authorizable.
                if (def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:principalName");
                    return false;

                Value v = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver)[0];
                String princName = v.getString();
                userManager.setPrincipal(parent, new PrincipalImpl(princName));
                return true;
            } else if (UserConstants.P_PASSWORD.equals(propName)) {
                if (a.isGroup()) {
                    log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:User.");
                    return false;
                // minimal validation of the passed definition
                if (def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_USER.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:password");
                    return false;

                // expectation: pw must already be crypted.
                Value v = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver)[0];
                userManager.setProtectedProperty(parent, UserConstants.P_PASSWORD, v);

                return true;

            } else if (UserConstants.P_IMPERSONATORS.equals(propName)) {
                if (a.isGroup()) {
                    // unexpected parent type -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:User.");
                    return false;

                // minimal validation of the passed definition
                if (!def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.MIX_REP_IMPERSONATABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:impersonators");
                    return false;

                // since impersonators may be imported later on, postpone processing
                // to the end.
                // see -> processRefeferences
                Value[] vs = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver);
                referenceTracker.processedReference(new Impersonators(a.getID(), vs));
                return true;

            } else if (UserConstants.P_MEMBERS.equals(propName)) {
                if (!a.isGroup()) {
                    // unexpected parent type -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:Group.");
                    return false;

                // minimal validation of the passed definition
                if (!def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_GROUP.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
                    log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:members");
                    return false;

                // since group-members are references to user/groups that potentially
                // are to be imported later on -> postpone processing to the end.
                // see -> processRefeferences
                Value[] vs = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE, resolver);
                NodeId[] ids = new NodeId[vs.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
                    ids[i] = new NodeId(vs[i].getString());
                referenceTracker.processedReference(new Membership(a.getID(), ids));
                return true;

            } // else: cannot handle -> return false

            return false;
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        try {
            List<Object> processed = new ArrayList();
            for (Iterator<Object> it = referenceTracker.getProcessedReferences(); it.hasNext();) {
                Object reference =;
                if (reference instanceof Membership) {
                    Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(((Membership) reference).groupId);
                    if (a == null || !a.isGroup()) {
                        throw new RepositoryException(((Membership) reference).groupId + " does not represent a valid group.");

                    Group gr = (Group) a;
                    // 1. collect members to add and to remove.
                    Map<String, Authorizable> toRemove = new HashMap();
                    for (Iterator<Authorizable> aIt = gr.getDeclaredMembers(); it.hasNext();) {
                        Authorizable dm =;
                        toRemove.put(dm.getID(), dm);

                    List<Authorizable> toAdd = new ArrayList();
                    List<Value> nonExisting = new ArrayList();

                    for (NodeId originalId : ((Membership) reference).ids) {

                        NodeId remapped = referenceTracker.getMappedId(originalId);
                        NodeId id = (remapped == null) ? originalId : remapped;

                        Authorizable authorz = null;
                        try {
                            NodeImpl n = ((SessionImpl) session).getNodeById(id);
                            authorz = userManager.getAuthorizable(n);
                        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                            // no such node or failed to retrieve authorizable
                            // warning is logged below.
                        if (authorz != null) {
                            if (toRemove.remove(authorz.getID()) == null) {
                            } // else: no need to remove from rep:members
                        } else {
                            handleFailure("Ignoring new member of " + gr + ". No such authorizable (NodeID = " + id + ")");
                            if (importBehavior == ImportBehavior.BESTEFFORT) {
                                nonExisting.add(session.getValueFactory().createValue(id.toString(), PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE));

                    // 2. adjust members of the group
                    for (Authorizable m : toRemove.values()) {
                        if (!gr.removeMember(m)) {
                            handleFailure("Failed remove existing member (" + m + ") from " + gr);
                    for (Authorizable m : toAdd) {
                        if (!gr.addMember(m)) {
                            handleFailure("Failed add member (" + m + ") to " + gr);

                    // handling non-existing members in case of best-effort
                    if (!nonExisting.isEmpty()) {
                        log.warn("Found " + nonExisting.size() + " entries of rep:members pointing to non-existing authorizables. Best-effort approach configured -> add to rep:members.");

                        NodeImpl groupNode = ((AuthorizableImpl) gr).getNode();
                        // build list of valid members set before ....
                        List<Value> memberValues = new ArrayList();
                        if (groupNode.hasProperty(UserConstants.P_MEMBERS)) {
                            Value[] vls = groupNode.getProperty(UserConstants.P_MEMBERS).getValues();
                        // ... and the non-Existing onces.
                        // and use implementation specific method to set the
                        // value of rep:members properties which was not possible
                        // through the API
                        userManager.setProtectedProperty(groupNode, UserConstants.P_MEMBERS, memberValues.toArray(new Value[memberValues.size()]));


                } else if (reference instanceof Impersonators) {
                    Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(((Impersonators) reference).userId);
                    if (a == null || a.isGroup()) {
                        throw new RepositoryException(((Impersonators) reference).userId + " does not represent a valid user.");

                    Impersonation imp = ((User) a).getImpersonation();
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            // a) try short-cut that works in case of ID.equals(principalName) only.
            // b) execute query in case of pName mismatch or exc. however, query
            //    requires persisted user nodes (see known issue of UserImporter).
            String name = principal.getName();          
            try {
                Authorizable a = internalGetAuthorizable(name);
                if (a != null && name.equals(a.getPrincipal().getName())) {
                    return a;
            } catch (RepositoryException e) {
                // ignore and execute the query.
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     * @param n
     * @return An authorizable or <code>null</code>.
     * @throws RepositoryException
    Authorizable getAuthorizable(NodeImpl n) throws RepositoryException {
        Authorizable authorz = null;
        if (n != null) {
            String path = n.getPath();
            if (n.isNodeType(NT_REP_USER) && Text.isDescendant(usersPath, path)) {
                authorz = createUser(n);
            } else if (n.isNodeType(NT_REP_GROUP) && Text.isDescendant(groupsPath, path)) {
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         * @see Iterator#next()
        public Authorizable next() {
            Authorizable authr = next;
            if (authr == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            next = seekNext();
            return authr;
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        private Authorizable seekNext() {
            while (authNodeIter.hasNext()) {
                NodeImpl node = (NodeImpl) authNodeIter.nextNode();
                try {
                    if (!served.contains(node.getUUID())) {
                        Authorizable authr = getAuthorizable(node);
                        if (authr != null) {
                            return authr;
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    private static Principal initGroup(UserManager uMgr, String principalName) {
        Principal prnc = new PrincipalImpl(principalName);
        try {
            Authorizable auth = uMgr.getAuthorizable(prnc);
            if (auth == null) {
                auth = uMgr.createGroup(prnc);
            } else {
                if (!auth.isGroup()) {
                    log.warn("Cannot create group '" + principalName + "'; User with that principal already exists.");
                    auth = null;
            if (auth != null) {
                return auth.getPrincipal();
        } catch (RepositoryException e) {
            // should never get here
            log.error("Error while initializing user/group administrators", e.getMessage());
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        User user = userMgr.createUser(p.getName(), pw);
        uID = user.getID();

        // make other user a group-administrator:
        Authorizable grAdmin = userMgr.getAuthorizable(UserConstants.GROUP_ADMIN_GROUP_NAME);
        if (grAdmin == null || !grAdmin.isGroup()) {
            throw new NotExecutableException("Cannot execute test. No group-administrator group found.");
        groupAdmin = (Group) grAdmin;
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