hierarchies (see {@link UserManagerImpl#getAuthorizable(NodeImpl)}.
this prevents from importing user/group nodes somewhere in the
content hierarchy which isn't possible when creating user/groups
using the corresponding API calls {@link UserManager#createUser} or
{@link UserManager#createGroup} respectively. */
Authorizable a = userManager.getAuthorizable(parent);
if (a == null) {
log.warn("Cannot handle protected PropInfo " + protectedPropInfo + ". Node " + parent + " doesn't represent a valid Authorizable.");
return false;
// TODO: check if import should be aborted in case of nested authorizable.
// assert that user manager is isn't in auto-save mode
if (userManager.isAutoSave()) {
try {
Name propName = protectedPropInfo.getName();
if (UserConstants.P_PRINCIPAL_NAME.equals(propName)) {
// minimal validation that passed definition really matches the
// protected rep:principalName property defined by rep:Authorizable.
if (def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_AUTHORIZABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
// some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:principalName");
return false;
Value v = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver)[0];
String princName = v.getString();
userManager.setPrincipal(parent, new PrincipalImpl(princName));
return true;
} else if (UserConstants.P_PASSWORD.equals(propName)) {
if (a.isGroup()) {
log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:User.");
return false;
// minimal validation of the passed definition
if (def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_USER.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
// some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:password");
return false;
// expectation: pw must already be crypted.
Value v = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver)[0];
userManager.setProtectedProperty(parent, UserConstants.P_PASSWORD, v);
return true;
} else if (UserConstants.P_IMPERSONATORS.equals(propName)) {
if (a.isGroup()) {
// unexpected parent type -> cannot handle
log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:User.");
return false;
// minimal validation of the passed definition
if (!def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.MIX_REP_IMPERSONATABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
// some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:impersonators");
return false;
// since impersonators may be imported later on, postpone processing
// to the end.
// see -> processRefeferences
Value[] vs = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.STRING, resolver);
referenceTracker.processedReference(new Impersonators(a.getID(), vs));
return true;
} else if (UserConstants.P_MEMBERS.equals(propName)) {
if (!a.isGroup()) {
// unexpected parent type -> cannot handle
log.warn("Expected parent node of type rep:Group.");
return false;
// minimal validation of the passed definition
if (!def.isMultiple() || !UserConstants.NT_REP_GROUP.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
// some other unexpected property definition -> cannot handle
log.warn("Unexpected definition for property rep:members");
return false;
// since group-members are references to user/groups that potentially
// are to be imported later on -> postpone processing to the end.
// see -> processRefeferences
Value[] vs = protectedPropInfo.getValues(PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE, resolver);
NodeId[] ids = new NodeId[vs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
ids[i] = new NodeId(vs[i].getString());
referenceTracker.processedReference(new Membership(a.getID(), ids));
return true;
} // else: cannot handle -> return false
return false;