private boolean readJarOrXml(URI repoUri, String baseName, XMLInputParser reader)
throws IOException, ParseException, SAXException {
InputStream readIn = null; // the input stream from which the xml should be read
URL contentUrl = repoUri.resolve(baseName + ".jar").toURL();
URLResource res = new URLResource(contentUrl);
ArtifactDownloadReport report = repositoryCacheManager.downloadRepositoryResource(res,
baseName, baseName, "jar", options, urlRepository);
if (report.getDownloadStatus() == DownloadStatus.FAILED) {
// no jar file, try the xml one
contentUrl = repoUri.resolve(baseName + ".xml").toURL();
res = new URLResource(contentUrl);
report = repositoryCacheManager.downloadRepositoryResource(res, baseName, baseName,
"xml", options, urlRepository);
if (report.getDownloadStatus() == DownloadStatus.FAILED) {