String expectedLocation = new File("test/repositories/1/org1/mod1.2/jars/mod1.2-2.0.jar")
// verify the origin in the report
ArtifactOrigin reportOrigin = dReports[0].getArtifactOrigin();
assertEquals("isLocal for artifact not correct", true, reportOrigin.isLocal());
assertEquals("location for artifact not correct", expectedLocation, reportOrigin
// verify the saved origin on disk
ArtifactOrigin ivyOrigin = getSavedArtifactOrigin(artifact);
assertEquals("isLocal for artifact not correct", true, ivyOrigin.isLocal());
assertEquals("location for artifact not correct", expectedLocation, ivyOrigin.getLocation());
// now resolve the same artifact again and verify the origin of the (not-downloaded)
// artifact
report = ivy.resolve(new File("test/repositories/1/org1/mod1.1/ivys/ivy-1.0.xml").toURL(),
getResolveOptions(new String[] {"default"}));