Package org.apache.isis.viewer.scimpi.dispatcher.edit

Examples of org.apache.isis.viewer.scimpi.dispatcher.edit.FormState

        hiddenFields.add(new HiddenInputField(ERROR, error));
        if (view != null) {
            hiddenFields.add(new HiddenInputField(VIEW, view));

        final FormState entryState = (FormState) request.getContext().getVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS);
        final InputField nameField = createdField("username", "User Name", InputField.TEXT, entryState);
        final String width = request.getOptionalProperty("width");
        if (width != null) {
            final int w = Integer.valueOf(width).intValue();
        final InputField passwordField = createdField("password", "Password", InputField.PASSWORD, entryState);
        final InputField[] fields = new InputField[] { nameField, passwordField, };

        final String formTitle = request.getOptionalProperty(FORM_TITLE);
        final String loginButtonTitle = request.getOptionalProperty(BUTTON_TITLE, "Log in");
        final String className = request.getOptionalProperty(CLASS, "login");
        final String id = request.getOptionalProperty(ID);

        HtmlFormBuilder.createForm(request, "", hiddenFields.toArray(new HiddenInputField[hiddenFields.size()]), fields, className, id, formTitle, null, null, loginButtonTitle, entryState == null ? null : entryState.getError(), null);
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        if (!withoutProcessing) {

        final FormState entryState = (FormState) context.getVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS);

        // TODO the list of included fields should be considered in the next
        // method (see EditObject)
        final InputField[] formFields = createFields(action, object);
        initializeFields(context, object, action, formFields);
        setDefaults(context, object, action, formFields, entryState, parameterObject.showIcon);
        String errors = null;
        if (entryState != null && entryState.isForForm(parameterObject.formId)) {
            copyEntryState(context, object, action, formFields, entryState);
            errors = entryState.getError();
        overrideWithHtml(context, containedBlock, formFields);

        String formTitle;
        if (parameterObject.formTitle == null) {
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        if (!withoutProcessing) {

        final FormState entryState = (FormState) context.getVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS);

        // TODO the list of included fields should be considered in the next method (see EditObject)
        final InputField[] formFields = createFields(action, object);
        initializeFields(context, object, action, formFields);
        setDefaults(context, object, action, formFields, entryState, parameterObject.showIcon);
        String errors = null;
        if (entryState != null && entryState.isForForm(parameterObject.formId)) {
            copyEntryState(context, object, action, formFields, entryState);
            errors = entryState.getError();
        overrideWithHtml(context, containedBlock, formFields);

        String formTitle;
        if (parameterObject.formTitle == null) {
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        final AuthenticationSession session =
            UserManager.authenticate(new AuthenticationRequestPassword(username, password));

        String view;
        if (session == null) {
            final FormState formState = new FormState();
                .setError("Failed to login. Check the username and ensure that your password was entered correctly");
            FieldEditState fieldState = formState.createField("username", username);
            if (username.length() == 0) {
                fieldState.setError("User Name required");
            fieldState = formState.createField("password", password);
            if (password.length() == 0) {
                fieldState.setError("Password required");
            if (username.length() == 0 || password.length() == 0) {
                formState.setError("Both the user name and password must be entered");
            context.addVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS, formState, Scope.REQUEST);

            view = context.getParameter("error");
            context.setRequestPath("/" + view, Dispatcher.ACTION);
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        final ObjectAdapter object = context.getMappedObjectOrResult(objectId);
        final String actualObjectId = context.mapObject(object, Scope.INTERACTION);
        final String version = context.mapVersion(object);

        final FormState entryState = (FormState) context.getVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS);

        final ObjectSpecification specification = object.getSpecification();
        final FormFieldBlock containedBlock = new FormFieldBlock() {
            public boolean isVisible(final String name) {
                final ObjectAssociation fld = specification.getAssociation(name);
                final boolean isVisible = fld.isVisible(IsisContext.getAuthenticationSession(), object).isAllowed();
                final boolean isUseable = fld.isUsable(IsisContext.getAuthenticationSession(), object).isAllowed();
                return isVisible && isUseable;

            public ObjectAdapter getCurrent(final String name) {
                ObjectAdapter value = null;
                if (entryState != null) {
                    final FieldEditState field2 = entryState.getField(name);
                    value = field2.getValue();
                if (value == null) {
                    final ObjectAssociation fld = specification.getAssociation(name);
                    value = fld.get(object);
                return value;

            public boolean isNullable(final String name) {
                final ObjectAssociation fld = specification.getAssociation(name);
                return !fld.isMandatory();


        final AuthenticationSession session = IsisContext.getAuthenticationSession();
        List<ObjectAssociation> viewFields =
            specification.getAssociations(ObjectAssociationFilters.dynamicallyVisible(session, object));
        viewFields = containedBlock.includedFields(viewFields);
        final InputField[] formFields = createFields(viewFields);

        initializeFields(context, object, formFields, entryState, !hideNonEditableFields);
        setDefaults(context, object, formFields, entryState, showIcon);

        copyFieldContent(context, object, formFields, showIcon);
        overrideWithHtml(context, containedBlock, formFields);
        String errors = null;
        if (entryState != null && entryState.isForForm(formId)) {
            copyEntryState(context, object, formFields, entryState);
            errors = entryState.getError();

        final String errorView =
            context.fullFilePath(forwardErrorTo == null ? context.getResourceFile() : forwardErrorTo);
        final List<HiddenInputField> hiddenFields = new ArrayList<HiddenInputField>();
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        final String override = context.getParameter("_" + RESULT_OVERRIDE);
        String resultName = context.getParameter("_" + RESULT_NAME);
        final String message = context.getParameter("_" + MESSAGE);
        resultName = resultName == null ? RequestContext.RESULT : resultName;

        FormState entryState = null;
        try {
            final ObjectAdapter object = MethodsUtils.findObject(context, objectId);
            // FIXME need to find method based on the set of parameters. otherwise overloaded method may be incorrectly
            // selected.
            final ObjectAction action = MethodsUtils.findAction(object, methodName);
            entryState = validateParameters(context, action, object);

            final AuthenticationSession session = context.getSession();
            if (session == null && action.isUsable(new AnonymousSession(), object).isVetoed()) {
                throw new NotLoggedInException();

             * Version adapterVersion = object.getVersion(); if (adapterVersion.different(context.getVersion(version)))
             * {
             * IsisContext.getMessageBroker().addMessage("The " + object.getSpecification().getSingularName() +
             * " was edited " + "by another user (" + adapterVersion.getUser() +
             * "). Please  make your changes based on their changes.");
             * entryState.setForm(objectId + ":" + methodName); context.addVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS, entryState,
             * Scope.REQUEST); context.addVariable(resultName, objectId, Scope.REQUEST); if (override != null) {
             * context.addVariable(resultName, override, Scope.REQUEST); } final String error = entryState.getError();
             * if (error != null) { context.addVariable(RequestContext.ERROR, error, Scope.REQUEST); }
             * String view = context.getParameter(ERRORS); context.setRequestPath(view, Dispatcher.ACTION);
             * } else
            if (entryState.isValid()) {
                final boolean hasResult = invokeMethod(context, resultName, object, action, entryState);
                String view = context.getParameter(hasResult ? "_" + VIEW : "_" + VOID);

                // context.clearVariables(Scope.REQUEST);

                final int questionMark = view == null ? -1 : view.indexOf("?");
                if (questionMark > -1) {
                    final String params[] = view.substring(questionMark + 1).split("&");
                    for (final String param : params) {
                        final int equals = param.indexOf("=");
                        context.addVariable(param.substring(0, equals), param.substring(equals + 1), Scope.REQUEST);
                        view = view.substring(0, questionMark);
                if (message != null) {
                    final MessageBroker messageBroker = IsisContext.getMessageBroker();
                if (override != null) {
                    context.addVariable(resultName, override, Scope.REQUEST);
                if (context.getVariable(resultName) == null) {
                    context.addVariable(resultName, objectId, Scope.REQUEST);
            } else {
                context.addVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS, entryState, Scope.REQUEST);
                context.addVariable(resultName, objectId, Scope.REQUEST);
                if (override != null) {
                    context.addVariable(resultName, override, Scope.REQUEST);
                final String error = entryState.getError();
                 * if (error != null) { context.addVariable(RequestContext.ERROR, error, Scope.REQUEST); }

                final String view = context.getParameter("_" + ERRORS);
                context.setRequestPath(view, Dispatcher.ACTION);

                final MessageBroker messageBroker = IsisContext.getMessageBroker();

        } catch (final ConcurrencyException e) {


            context.addVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS, entryState, Scope.REQUEST);
            context.addVariable(resultName, objectId, Scope.REQUEST);
            if (override != null) {
                context.addVariable(resultName, override, Scope.REQUEST);
            final String error = entryState.getError();
            if (error != null) {
                context.addVariable(RequestContext.ERROR, error, Scope.REQUEST);

            final String view = context.getParameter("_" + ERRORS);
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        return parameters;

    private FormState validateParameters(final RequestContext context, final ObjectAction action,
        final ObjectAdapter object) {
        final FormState formState = new FormState();
        final List<ObjectActionParameter> parameters2 = action.getParameters();
        final int parameterCount = action.getParameterCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterCount; i++) {
            final String fieldName = parameterName(i);
            String newEntry = context.getParameter(fieldName);

            if (newEntry != null && newEntry.equals("-OTHER-")) {
                newEntry = context.getParameter(fieldName + "-other");

            if (newEntry == null) {
                // TODO figure out a better way to determine if boolean or a password
                final ObjectSpecification spec = parameters2.get(i).getSpecification();
                if (spec.isOfType(IsisContext.getSpecificationLoader().loadSpecification(boolean.class))
                    || spec.isOfType(IsisContext.getSpecificationLoader().loadSpecification(Boolean.class))) {
                    newEntry = FALSE;
                } else {
                    newEntry = "";
            final FieldEditState fieldState = formState.createField(fieldName, newEntry);
            Consent consent = null;

            if (!parameters2.get(i).isOptional() && newEntry.equals("")) {
                consent = new Veto(parameters2.get(i).getName() + " required");
                formState.setError("Not all fields have been set");

            } else if (parameters2.get(i).getSpecification().getFacet(ParseableFacet.class) != null) {
                try {
                    final ParseableFacet facet = parameters2.get(i).getSpecification().getFacet(ParseableFacet.class);
                    final String message = parameters2.get(i).isValid(object, newEntry);
                    if (message != null) {
                        consent = new Veto(message);
                        formState.setError("Not all fields are valid");
                    final ObjectAdapter entry = facet.parseTextEntry(null, newEntry);
                } catch (final TextEntryParseException e) {
                    consent = new Veto(e.getMessage());
                    formState.setError("Not all fields are valid");
            } else {
                fieldState.setValue(newEntry == null ? null : context.getMappedObject(newEntry));
            if (consent != null && consent.isVetoed()) {

        if (formState.isValid()) {
            final ObjectAdapter[] parameters = getParameters(action, formState);
            final Consent consent = action.isProposedArgumentSetValid(object, parameters);
            if (consent != null && consent.isVetoed()) {

        return formState;
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        hiddenFields.add(new HiddenInputField(ERRORS, error));
        if (view != null) {
            hiddenFields.add(new HiddenInputField(VIEW, view));

        final FormState entryState = (FormState) request.getContext().getVariable(ENTRY_FIELDS);
        final InputField nameField = createdField("username", "User Name", InputField.TEXT, entryState);
        final String width = request.getOptionalProperty("width");
        if (width != null) {
            final int w = Integer.valueOf(width).intValue();
        final InputField passwordField = createdField("password", "Password", InputField.PASSWORD, entryState);
        final InputField[] fields = new InputField[] { nameField, passwordField, };

        final String formTitle = request.getOptionalProperty(FORM_TITLE);
        final String loginButtonTitle = request.getOptionalProperty(BUTTON_TITLE, "Log in");
        final String className = request.getOptionalProperty(CLASS, "action login full");
        final String id = request.getOptionalProperty(ID);

        HtmlFormBuilder.createForm(request, "",
            hiddenFields.toArray(new HiddenInputField[hiddenFields.size()]), fields, className, id, formTitle, null,
            null, loginButtonTitle, entryState == null ? null : entryState.getError());
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Related Classes of org.apache.isis.viewer.scimpi.dispatcher.edit.FormState

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