* time of writing) do not support aggregated Oids for anything other than
* collections.
protected ObjectAdapter createAggregatedAdapter(final Object pojo, final ObjectAdapter ownerAdapter, final IdentifiedHolder identifiedHolder) {
final Identifier identifier = identifiedHolder.getIdentifier();
if (!(identifiedHolder instanceof OneToManyAssociation)) {
throw new IsisException("only applicable to collections " + pojo + " in " + identifiedHolder);
// persistence of aggregated follows the parent
final Oid aggregatedOid = new AggregatedOid(ownerAdapter.getOid(), identifier.getMemberName());
final ObjectAdapter aggregatedAdapter = createOrRecreateAdapter(pojo, aggregatedOid);
// we copy over the type onto the adapter itself
// [not sure why this is really needed, surely we have enough info in
// the adapter