boolean isMultipart = (this.useMultiPartPost || ( streams != null && streams.size() > 1 )) && !hasNullStreamName;
LinkedList<NameValuePair> postParams = new LinkedList<NameValuePair>();
if (streams == null || isMultipart) {
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
post.setHeader("Content-Charset", "UTF-8");
if (!isMultipart) {
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
List<FormBodyPart> parts = new LinkedList<FormBodyPart>();
Iterator<String> iter = params.getParameterNamesIterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String p = iter.next();
String[] vals = params.getParams(p);
if (vals != null) {
for (String v : vals) {
if (isMultipart) {
parts.add(new FormBodyPart(p, new StringBody(v, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))));
} else {
postParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(p, v));
if (isMultipart && streams != null) {
for (ContentStream content : streams) {
String contentType = content.getContentType();
if(contentType==null) {
contentType = "application/octet-stream"; // default
String contentName = content.getName();
parts.add(new FormBodyPart(contentName,
new InputStreamBody(
if (parts.size() > 0) {
ModifiedMultipartEntity entity = new ModifiedMultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.STRICT, null, UTF8_CHARSET);
for(FormBodyPart p: parts) {
} else {
//not using multipart
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParams, "UTF-8"));
method = post;
// It is has one stream, it is the post body, put the params in the URL
else {
String pstr = ClientUtils.toQueryString(params, false);
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url + pstr);
// Single stream as body
// Using a loop just to get the first one
final ContentStream[] contentStream = new ContentStream[1];
for (ContentStream content : streams) {
contentStream[0] = content;
if (contentStream[0] instanceof RequestWriter.LazyContentStream) {
post.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(contentStream[0].getStream(), -1) {
public Header getContentType() {
return new BasicHeader("Content-Type", contentStream[0].getContentType());
public boolean isRepeatable() {
return false;
} else {
post.setEntity(new InputStreamEntity(contentStream[0].getStream(), -1) {
public Header getContentType() {
return new BasicHeader("Content-Type", contentStream[0].getContentType());