+ new Timestamp(timestampVal) + "\nline:" + inputLine);
lastTestStartTimestamp = timestampVal;
ZNRecord record = getZNRecord(inputLine);
LiveInstance liveInstance = new LiveInstance(record);
String session = getAttributeValue(inputLine, "session:");
sessionMap.put(session, inputLine);
System.out.println(new Timestamp(Long.parseLong(timestamp)) + ": create LIVEINSTANCE "
+ liveInstance.getInstanceName());
} else if (inputLine.indexOf("closeSession") != -1) {
// kill any instance
String session = getAttributeValue(inputLine, "session:");
if (sessionMap.containsKey(session)) {
if (timestampVal < lastTestStartTimestamp) {
System.out.println("KILL node. SETTING lastTestStartTimestamp to " + timestampVal
+ " line:" + inputLine);
lastTestStartTimestamp = timestampVal;
String line = sessionMap.get(session);
ZNRecord record = getZNRecord(line);
LiveInstance liveInstance = new LiveInstance(record);
System.out.println(new Timestamp(Long.parseLong(timestamp)) + ": close session "
+ liveInstance.getInstanceName());
dump = true;
} else if (inputLine.indexOf("/" + clusterName + "/CONFIGS/PARTICIPANT") != -1) {
// disable a partition
String type = getAttributeValue(inputLine, "type:");
if (type.equals("setData") && inputLine.indexOf("HELIX_DISABLED_PARTITION") != -1) {
if (timestampVal < lastTestStartTimestamp) {
System.out.println("DISABLE partition. SETTING lastTestStartTimestamp to "
+ timestampVal + " line:" + inputLine);
lastTestStartTimestamp = timestampVal;
} else if (inputLine.indexOf("/" + clusterName + "/CONTROLLER/LEADER") != -1) {
// leaderLine = inputLine;
ZNRecord record = getZNRecord(inputLine);
LiveInstance liveInstance = new LiveInstance(record);
String session = getAttributeValue(inputLine, "session:");
leaderSession = session;
controllerStartTime = Long.parseLong(getAttributeValue(inputLine, "time:"));
sessionMap.put(session, inputLine);
System.out.println(new Timestamp(Long.parseLong(timestamp)) + ": create LEADER "
+ liveInstance.getInstanceName());
} else if (inputLine.indexOf("/" + clusterName + "/") != -1
&& inputLine.indexOf("/CURRENTSTATES/") != -1) {
String type = getAttributeValue(inputLine, "type:");
if (type.equals("create")) {