32, // partitions per resource
n, // number of nodes
2, // replicas
"MasterSlave", true); // do rebalance
final ClusterControllerManager controller =
new ClusterControllerManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, "controller_0");
// start participants
MockParticipantManager[] participants = new MockParticipantManager[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
String instanceName = "localhost_" + (12918 + i);
participants[i] = new MockParticipantManager(ZK_ADDR, clusterName, instanceName);
boolean result =
.verifyByZkCallback(new ClusterStateVerifier.BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(ZK_ADDR,
final MockParticipantManager participantManagerToExpire = participants[1];
// check controller zk-watchers
result = TestHelper.verify(new TestHelper.Verifier() {
public boolean verify() throws Exception {
Map<String, Set<String>> watchers = ZkTestHelper.getListenersBySession(ZK_ADDR);
// Set<String> watchPaths = watchers.get("0x" + controllerManager.getSessionId());
Set<String> watchPaths = watchers.get("0x" + controller.getSessionId());
// System.out.println("controller watch paths: " + watchPaths);
// controller should have 5 + 2n + m + (m+2)n zk-watchers
// where n is number of nodes and m is number of resources
return watchPaths.size() == (6 + 5 * n);
}, 500);
Assert.assertTrue(result, "Controller should have 6 + 5*n zk-watchers.");
// check participant zk-watchers
result = TestHelper.verify(new TestHelper.Verifier() {
public boolean verify() throws Exception {
Map<String, Set<String>> watchers = ZkTestHelper.getListenersBySession(ZK_ADDR);
Set<String> watchPaths = watchers.get("0x" + participantManagerToExpire.getSessionId());
// System.out.println("participant watch paths: " + watchPaths);
// participant should have 2 zk-watchers: 1 for MESSAGE and 1 for CONTROLLER
return watchPaths.size() == 2;
}, 500);
Assert.assertTrue(result, "Participant should have 2 zk-watchers.");
// check HelixManager#_handlers
// printHandlers(controllerManager);
// printHandlers(participantManagerToExpire);
int controllerHandlerNb = controller.getHandlers().size();
int particHandlerNb = participantManagerToExpire.getHandlers().size();
Assert.assertEquals(controllerHandlerNb, 9,
"HelixController should have 9 (5+2n) callback handlers for 2 (n) participant");
Assert.assertEquals(particHandlerNb, 2,
"HelixParticipant should have 2 (msg+cur-state) callback handlers");
// expire the session of participant
System.out.println("Expiring participant session...");
String oldSessionId = participantManagerToExpire.getSessionId();
String newSessionId = participantManagerToExpire.getSessionId();
System.out.println("Expried participant session. oldSessionId: " + oldSessionId
+ ", newSessionId: " + newSessionId);
result =
ClusterStateVerifier.verifyByPolling(new ClusterStateVerifier.BestPossAndExtViewZkVerifier(
ZK_ADDR, clusterName));
// check controller zk-watchers
result = TestHelper.verify(new TestHelper.Verifier() {
public boolean verify() throws Exception {
Map<String, Set<String>> watchers = ZkTestHelper.getListenersBySession(ZK_ADDR);
Set<String> watchPaths = watchers.get("0x" + controller.getSessionId());
// System.out.println("controller watch paths after session expiry: " + watchPaths);
// controller should have 5 + 2n + m + (m+2)n zk-watchers
// where n is number of nodes and m is number of resources
return watchPaths.size() == (6 + 5 * n);
}, 500);
Assert.assertTrue(result, "Controller should have 6 + 5*n zk-watchers after session expiry.");
// check participant zk-watchers
result = TestHelper.verify(new TestHelper.Verifier() {
public boolean verify() throws Exception {
Map<String, Set<String>> watchers = ZkTestHelper.getListenersBySession(ZK_ADDR);
Set<String> watchPaths = watchers.get("0x" + participantManagerToExpire.getSessionId());
// System.out.println("participant watch paths after session expiry: " + watchPaths);
// participant should have 2 zk-watchers: 1 for MESSAGE and 1 for CONTROLLER
return watchPaths.size() == 2;
}, 500);
Assert.assertTrue(result, "Participant should have 2 zk-watchers after session expiry.");
// check handlers
// printHandlers(controllerManager);
// printHandlers(participantManagerToExpire);
int handlerNb = controller.getHandlers().size();
Assert.assertEquals(handlerNb, controllerHandlerNb,
"controller callback handlers should not increase after participant session expiry");
handlerNb = participantManagerToExpire.getHandlers().size();
Assert.assertEquals(handlerNb, particHandlerNb,
"participant callback handlers should not increase after participant session expiry");
// clean up
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.println("END " + clusterName + " at " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));