private static void cleanup(HelixManager mgr, final String resourceName, WorkflowConfig cfg,
String workflowResource) {
HelixDataAccessor accessor = mgr.getHelixDataAccessor();
// Remove any DAG references in workflow
PropertyKey workflowKey = getConfigPropertyKey(accessor, workflowResource);
DataUpdater<ZNRecord> dagRemover = new DataUpdater<ZNRecord>() {
public ZNRecord update(ZNRecord currentData) {
JobDag jobDag = JobDag.fromJson(currentData.getSimpleField(WorkflowConfig.DAG));
for (String child : jobDag.getDirectChildren(resourceName)) {
for (String parent : jobDag.getDirectParents(resourceName)) {
try {
currentData.setSimpleField(WorkflowConfig.DAG, jobDag.toJson());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.equals("Could not update DAG for job " + resourceName);
return currentData;
accessor.getBaseDataAccessor().update(workflowKey.getPath(), dagRemover,
// Delete resource configs.
PropertyKey cfgKey = getConfigPropertyKey(accessor, resourceName);
if (!accessor.removeProperty(cfgKey)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error occurred while trying to clean up job %s. Failed to remove node %s from Helix. Aborting further clean up steps.",
resourceName, cfgKey));
// Delete property store information for this resource.
String propStoreKey = getRebalancerPropStoreKey(resourceName);
if (!mgr.getHelixPropertyStore().remove(propStoreKey, AccessOption.PERSISTENT)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error occurred while trying to clean up job %s. Failed to remove node %s from Helix. Aborting further clean up steps.",
resourceName, propStoreKey));
// Finally, delete the ideal state itself.
PropertyKey isKey = getISPropertyKey(accessor, resourceName);
if (!accessor.removeProperty(isKey)) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
"Error occurred while trying to clean up task %s. Failed to remove node %s from Helix.",
resourceName, isKey));
}"Successfully cleaned up job resource %s.", resourceName));
boolean lastInWorkflow = true;
for (String job : cfg.getJobDag().getAllNodes()) {
// check if property store information or resource configs exist for this job
if (mgr.getHelixPropertyStore().exists(getRebalancerPropStoreKey(job),
|| accessor.getProperty(getConfigPropertyKey(accessor, job)) != null
|| accessor.getProperty(getISPropertyKey(accessor, job)) != null) {
lastInWorkflow = false;
// clean up workflow-level info if this was the last in workflow
if (lastInWorkflow && cfg.isTerminable()) {
// delete workflow config
PropertyKey workflowCfgKey = getConfigPropertyKey(accessor, workflowResource);
if (!accessor.removeProperty(workflowCfgKey)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Error occurred while trying to clean up workflow %s. Failed to remove node %s from Helix. Aborting further clean up steps.",