conf, workingDir, MapWriteAbortTransaction.class,
outputJobInfo, inputPath);
// verify that revision manager has it as aborted transaction
RevisionManager rm = HBaseRevisionManagerUtil.getOpenedRevisionManager(conf);
try {
TableSnapshot snapshot = rm.createSnapshot(databaseName + "." + tableName);
for (String family : snapshot.getColumnFamilies()) {
assertEquals(1, snapshot.getRevision(family));
List<FamilyRevision> abortedWriteTransactions = rm.getAbortedWriteTransactions(
databaseName + "." + tableName, family);
assertEquals(1, abortedWriteTransactions.size());
assertEquals(1, abortedWriteTransactions.get(0).getRevision());
} finally {
//verify that hbase does not have any of the records.
//Since records are only written during commitJob,
//hbase should not have any records.