case DataType.BAG:
Schema bagSchema = fSchema.schema;
List<HCatFieldSchema> arrFields = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>(1);
arrFields.add(getHCatFSFromPigFS(bagSchema.getField(0), hcatTblSchema));
return new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias, Type.ARRAY, new HCatSchema(arrFields), "");
case DataType.TUPLE:
List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>();
List<HCatFieldSchema> hcatFSs = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>();
for( FieldSchema fieldSchema : fSchema.schema.getFields()){
fieldNames.add( fieldSchema.alias);
hcatFSs.add(getHCatFSFromPigFS(fieldSchema, hcatTblSchema));
return new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias, Type.STRUCT, new HCatSchema(hcatFSs), "");
case DataType.MAP:{
// Pig's schema contain no type information about map's keys and
// values. So, if its a new column assume <string,string> if its existing
// return whatever is contained in the existing column.
HCatFieldSchema mapField = getTableCol(fSchema.alias, hcatTblSchema);
HCatFieldSchema valFS;
List<HCatFieldSchema> valFSList = new ArrayList<HCatFieldSchema>(1);
if(mapField != null){
Type mapValType = mapField.getMapValueSchema().get(0).getType();
case STRING:
case BIGINT:
case INT:
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
valFS = new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias, mapValType, null);
throw new FrontendException("Only pig primitive types are supported as map value types.", PigHCatUtil.PIG_EXCEPTION_CODE);
return new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias,Type.MAP,Type.STRING, new HCatSchema(valFSList),"");
// Column not found in target table. Its a new column. Its schema is map<string,string>
valFS = new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias, Type.STRING, "");
return new HCatFieldSchema(fSchema.alias,Type.MAP,Type.STRING, new HCatSchema(valFSList),"");
throw new FrontendException("Unsupported type: "+type+" in Pig's schema", PigHCatUtil.PIG_EXCEPTION_CODE);