Path finalOutputPath = getFinalPath(file, src, dest);
if (dryRun){
//"Testing if moving ["+file+"] to ["+finalOutputPath+"] would cause a problem");
if (fs.exists(finalOutputPath)){
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_MOVE_FAILED, "Data already exists in " + finalOutputPath + ", duplicate publish possible.");
//"Moving ["+file+"] to ["+finalOutputPath+"]");
if (!fs.rename(file, finalOutputPath)) {
if (!fs.delete(finalOutputPath, true)) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_MOVE_FAILED, "Failed to delete existing path " + finalOutputPath);
if (!fs.rename(file, finalOutputPath)) {
throw new HCatException(ErrorType.ERROR_MOVE_FAILED, "Failed to move output to " + dest);
} else if(fs.getFileStatus(file).isDir()) {
FileStatus[] paths = fs.listStatus(file);