Package org.apache.harmony.unpack200.tests.bytecode

Examples of org.apache.harmony.unpack200.tests.bytecode.ClassFileEntryTest

        CPFloat cp3 = new CPFloat(new Float(5), 5);
        checkEquality(cp1, cp2, "3", cp3); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public void testCPString() {
        CPString cp1 = new CPString(new CPUTF8(new String("3"), 3), 3);
        CPString cp2 = new CPString(new CPUTF8(new String("3"), 3), 3);
        CPString cp3 = new CPString(new CPUTF8(new String("5"), 5), 5);
        checkEquality(cp1, cp2, "3", cp3); //$NON-NLS-1$
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        CPString cp3 = new CPString(new CPUTF8(new String("5"), 5), 5);
        checkEquality(cp1, cp2, "3", cp3); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public void testCPField() {
        CPMember cp1 = new CPMember(new CPUTF8("Name", 3), new CPUTF8("I", 4),
                0, null);
        CPMember cp2 = new CPMember(new CPUTF8("Name", 3), new CPUTF8("I", 4),
                0, null);
        CPMember cp3 = new CPMember(new CPUTF8("Name", 3), new CPUTF8("Z", 5),
                0, null);
        CPMember cp4 = new CPMember(new CPUTF8("GName", 6), new CPUTF8("I", 4),
                0, null);
        checkEquality(cp1, cp2, "Name", cp3); //$NON-NLS-1$
        checkEquality(cp1, cp2, "I", cp4); //$NON-NLS-1$
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        public CPFieldRef cpFieldValue(int index) {
            return null;

        public CPString cpStringValue(int index) {
            return new CPString(new CPUTF8("Hello"), -1);
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import org.apache.harmony.unpack200.bytecode.CPUTF8;

public class CPUTF8Test extends TestCase {

    public void testEquality() {
        CPUTF8 one = new CPUTF8("(III)V", 1);
        CPUTF8 two = new CPUTF8("((I[II)V", 2);
        CPUTF8 three = new CPUTF8("([III)V", 3);

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        private ClassFileEntry entry(String string) {
            return new CPUTF8(string);
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        } else {
            classFile.major = header.getDefaultClassMajorVersion();
            classFile.minor = header.getDefaultClassMinorVersion();
        // build constant pool
        ClassConstantPool cp = classFile.pool;
        int fullNameIndexInCpClass = classBands.getClassThisInts()[classNum];
        String fullName = cpBands.getCpClass()[fullNameIndexInCpClass];
        // SourceFile attribute
        int i = fullName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1; // if lastIndexOf==-1, then
        // -1+1=0, so str.substring(0)
        // == str

        // Get the source file attribute
        ArrayList classAttributes = classBands.getClassAttributes()[classNum];
        SourceFileAttribute sourceFileAttribute = null;
        for (int index = 0; index < classAttributes.size(); index++) {
            if (((Attribute) classAttributes.get(index))
                    .isSourceFileAttribute()) {
                sourceFileAttribute = ((SourceFileAttribute) classAttributes

        if (sourceFileAttribute == null) {
            // If we don't have a source file attribute yet, we need
            // to infer it from the class.
            AttributeLayout SOURCE_FILE = attrDefinitionBands
            if (SOURCE_FILE.matches(classBands.getRawClassFlags()[classNum])) {
                int firstDollar = SegmentUtils.indexOfFirstDollar(fullName);
                String fileName = null;

                if (firstDollar > -1 && (i <= firstDollar)) {
                    fileName = fullName.substring(i, firstDollar) + ".java";
                } else {
                    fileName = fullName.substring(i) + ".java";
                sourceFileAttribute = new SourceFileAttribute(cpBands
                        .cpUTF8Value(fileName, false));
                classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] { (Attribute) cp
                        .add(sourceFileAttribute) };
            } else {
                classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] {};
        } else {
            classFile.attributes = new Attribute[] { (Attribute) cp
                    .add(sourceFileAttribute) };

        // If we see any class attributes, add them to the class's attributes
        // that will
        // be written out. Keep SourceFileAttributes out since we just
        // did them above.
        ArrayList classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute = new ArrayList(classAttributes.size());
        for (int index = 0; index < classAttributes.size(); index++) {
            Attribute attrib = (Attribute) classAttributes.get(index);
            if (!attrib.isSourceFileAttribute()) {
        Attribute[] originalAttributes = classFile.attributes;
        classFile.attributes = new Attribute[originalAttributes.length
                + classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute.size()];
        System.arraycopy(originalAttributes, 0, classFile.attributes, 0,
        for (int index = 0; index < classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute
                .size(); index++) {
            Attribute attrib = ((Attribute) classAttributesWithoutSourceFileAttribute
            classFile.attributes[originalAttributes.length + index] = attrib;

        // this/superclass
        ClassFileEntry cfThis = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(fullNameIndexInCpClass));
        ClassFileEntry cfSuper = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands
        // add interfaces
        ClassFileEntry cfInterfaces[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        for (i = 0; i < cfInterfaces.length; i++) {
            cfInterfaces[i] = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands
        // add fields
        ClassFileEntry cfFields[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        // fieldDescr and fieldFlags used to create this
        for (i = 0; i < cfFields.length; i++) {
            int descriptorIndex = classBands.getFieldDescrInts()[classNum][i];
            int nameIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorNameInts()[descriptorIndex];
            int typeIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorTypeInts()[descriptorIndex];
            CPUTF8 name = cpBands.cpUTF8Value(nameIndex);
            CPUTF8 descriptor = cpBands.cpSignatureValue(typeIndex);
            cfFields[i] = cp.add(new CPField(name, descriptor, classBands
                    .getFieldFlags()[classNum][i], classBands
        // add methods
        ClassFileEntry cfMethods[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        // methodDescr and methodFlags used to create this
        for (i = 0; i < cfMethods.length; i++) {
            int descriptorIndex = classBands.getMethodDescrInts()[classNum][i];
//            int colon = descriptorStr.indexOf(':');
            int nameIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorNameInts()[descriptorIndex];
            int typeIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorTypeInts()[descriptorIndex];
            CPUTF8 name = cpBands.cpUTF8Value(nameIndex);
            CPUTF8 descriptor = cpBands.cpSignatureValue(typeIndex);
            cfMethods[i] = cp.add(new CPMethod(name, descriptor, classBands
                    .getMethodFlags()[classNum][i], classBands

        // add inner class attribute (if required)
        boolean addInnerClassesAttr = false;
        IcTuple[] ic_local = getClassBands().getIcLocal()[classNum];
        boolean ic_local_sent = ic_local != null;
        InnerClassesAttribute innerClassesAttribute = new InnerClassesAttribute(
        IcTuple[] ic_relevant = getIcBands().getRelevantIcTuples(fullName, cp);
        List ic_stored = computeIcStored(ic_local, ic_relevant);
        for (int index = 0; index < ic_stored.size(); index++) {
          IcTuple icStored = (IcTuple)ic_stored.get(index);
            int innerClassIndex = icStored.thisClassIndex();
            int outerClassIndex = icStored.outerClassIndex();
            int simpleClassNameIndex = icStored.simpleClassNameIndex();

            String innerClassString = icStored.thisClassString();
            String outerClassString = icStored.outerClassString();
            String simpleClassName = icStored.simpleClassName();

            CPClass innerClass = null;
            CPUTF8 innerName = null;
            CPClass outerClass = null;

            innerClass = innerClassIndex != -1 ? cpBands
                    .cpClassValue(innerClassIndex) : cpBands
            if (!icStored.isAnonymous()) {
                innerName = simpleClassNameIndex != -1 ? cpBands.cpUTF8Value(
                        simpleClassNameIndex) : cpBands

            if (icStored.isMember()) {
                outerClass = outerClassIndex != -1 ? cpBands
                        .cpClassValue(outerClassIndex) : cpBands
            int flags = icStored.F;
            innerClassesAttribute.addInnerClassesEntry(innerClass, outerClass,
                    innerName, flags);
            addInnerClassesAttr = true;
        // If ic_local is sent and it's empty, don't add
        // the inner classes attribute.
        if (ic_local_sent && (ic_local.length == 0)) {
            addInnerClassesAttr = false;

        // If ic_local is not sent and ic_relevant is empty,
        // don't add the inner class attribute.
        if (!ic_local_sent && (ic_relevant.length == 0)) {
            addInnerClassesAttr = false;

        if (addInnerClassesAttr) {
            // Need to add the InnerClasses attribute to the
            // existing classFile attributes.
            Attribute[] originalAttrs = classFile.attributes;
            Attribute[] newAttrs = new Attribute[originalAttrs.length + 1];
            for (int index = 0; index < originalAttrs.length; index++) {
                newAttrs[index] = originalAttrs[index];
            newAttrs[newAttrs.length - 1] = innerClassesAttribute;
            classFile.attributes = newAttrs;
        // sort CP according to cp_All
        // NOTE the indexOf is only valid after the cp.resolve()
        // build up remainder of file
        classFile.accessFlags = (int) classBands.getClassFlags()[classNum];
        classFile.thisClass = cp.indexOf(cfThis);
        classFile.superClass = cp.indexOf(cfSuper);
        // TODO placate format of file for writing purposes
        classFile.interfaces = new int[cfInterfaces.length];
        for (i = 0; i < cfInterfaces.length; i++) {
            classFile.interfaces[i] = cp.indexOf(cfInterfaces[i]);
        classFile.fields = cfFields;
        classFile.methods = cfMethods;
        return classFile;
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public class ConstantPoolTest extends TestCase {

    private ClassConstantPool pool;

    public void setUp() {
        pool = new ClassConstantPool();
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    private boolean[] fileIsClass;

    private InputStream internalBuffer;

    private ClassFile buildClassFile(int classNum) throws Pack200Exception {
        ClassFile classFile = new ClassFile();
        int[] major = classBands.getClassVersionMajor();
        int[] minor = classBands.getClassVersionMinor();
        if(major != null) {
            classFile.major = major[classNum];
            classFile.minor = minor[classNum];
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            fileIsClass[i] = isClass;

            if (isClass) {
                ClassFile classFile = buildClassFile(classNum);

                classFilesContents[classNum] = bos.toByteArray();
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            classFile.attributes[originalAttributes.length + index] = attrib;

        // this/superclass
        ClassFileEntry cfThis = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(fullNameIndexInCpClass));
        ClassFileEntry cfSuper = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands
        // add interfaces
        ClassFileEntry cfInterfaces[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        for (i = 0; i < cfInterfaces.length; i++) {
            cfInterfaces[i] = cp.add(cpBands.cpClassValue(classBands
        // add fields
        ClassFileEntry cfFields[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        // fieldDescr and fieldFlags used to create this
        for (i = 0; i < cfFields.length; i++) {
            int descriptorIndex = classBands.getFieldDescrInts()[classNum][i];
            int nameIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorNameInts()[descriptorIndex];
            int typeIndex = cpBands.getCpDescriptorTypeInts()[descriptorIndex];
            CPUTF8 name = cpBands.cpUTF8Value(nameIndex);
            CPUTF8 descriptor = cpBands.cpSignatureValue(typeIndex);
            cfFields[i] = cp.add(new CPField(name, descriptor, classBands
                    .getFieldFlags()[classNum][i], classBands
        // add methods
        ClassFileEntry cfMethods[] = new ClassFileEntry[classBands
        // methodDescr and methodFlags used to create this
        for (i = 0; i < cfMethods.length; i++) {
            int descriptorIndex = classBands.getMethodDescrInts()[classNum][i];
//            int colon = descriptorStr.indexOf(':');
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Related Classes of org.apache.harmony.unpack200.tests.bytecode.ClassFileEntryTest

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