
Examples of

            GeneralName san1 = new GeneralName(1, "rfc@822.Name");
            GeneralName san2 = new GeneralName(2, "dNSName");
            GeneralName san3 = new GeneralName(new ORAddress());
            GeneralName san4 = new GeneralName(new Name("O=Organization"));
            GeneralName san5 =
                new GeneralName(new EDIPartyName("assigner", "party"));
            GeneralName san6 = new GeneralName(6, "http://uniform.Resource.Id");
            GeneralName san7 = new GeneralName(new byte[] {1, 1, 1, 1});
            GeneralName san8 = new GeneralName(8, "");
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        X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector();
        String subject = "O=Organization";
        X500Principal x500Subject = new X500Principal(subject);
        try {
            Name nameSubject = new Name(subject);
            for (int i=0; i<name_constraints.length; i++) {
                // make the subtrees (part of name constraints)
                // this subtrees will be used as permited and as excluded
                GeneralSubtree subtree =
                    new GeneralSubtree(name_constraints[i]);
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        X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector();
        String subject = "O=Organization";
        X500Principal x500Subject = new X500Principal(subject);
        try {
            Name nameSubject = new Name(subject);
            for (int i=0; i<name_constraints.length; i++) {
                // make the subtrees (part of name constraints)
                // this subtrees will be used as permited and as excluded
                GeneralSubtree subtree =
                    new GeneralSubtree(name_constraints[i]);
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        X509CertSelector selector = new X509CertSelector();
        try {
            for (int i=0; i<variants.length; i++) {
                // make the names objects
                X500Principal subject = new X500Principal(variants[i][0]);
                Name subject_name = new Name(variants[i][0]);
                GeneralName alt_name = new GeneralName(4, variants[i][1]);
                // make the certificate to be checked
                GeneralNames alt_names_extension = new GeneralNames();
                TestCert certificate = new TestCert(alt_names_extension);
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                                                        throws IOException {
        // make the TBSCertificate for Certificate
        int version = 2; //v3
        BigInteger serialNumber = BigInteger.valueOf(555L);
        AlgorithmIdentifier signature = new AlgorithmIdentifier("");
        Name issuer = new Name("O=Certificate Issuer");
        Validity validity = new Validity(new Date(100000000),
                                         new Date(200000000));
        SubjectPublicKeyInfo subjectPublicKeyInfo =
            new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(
                    new AlgorithmIdentifier("1.2.840.113549.1.1.2"),
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    public void testGetName1779() throws Exception {

        Name principal = (Name) Name.ASN1.decode(mess);

        String s = principal.getName("RFC1779");

                "CN=A + ST=CA, O=B, L=C, C=D, OU=E, CN=A + ST=CA, O=B, L=C, C=D, OU=E, CN=Z",
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    public void testStreamGetName1779() throws Exception {
        ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(mess);

        Name principal = (Name) Name.ASN1.decode(is);

        String s = principal.getName("RFC1779");

                "CN=A + ST=CA, O=B, L=C, C=D, OU=E, CN=A + ST=CA, O=B, L=C, C=D, OU=E, CN=Z",
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    public void testGetRevokedCertificate1() {
        try {
            X509CertImpl cert1 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber1, signature,
                        new Name(certIssuerName),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            X509CertImpl cert2 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber2, signature,
                        new Name(certIssuerName),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            X509CertImpl cert3 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber3, signature,
                        new Name("O=Another Cert Issuer"),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            assertNull("Certificate should not be presented in CRL "
                    + "because issuer is not the same as CRL issuer",
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    public void testIsRevoked() {
        try {
            X509CertImpl cert1 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber1, signature,
                        new Name(certIssuerName),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            X509CertImpl cert2 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber2, signature,
                        new Name(certIssuerName),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            X509CertImpl cert3 = new X509CertImpl(
                new Certificate(
                    new TBSCertificate(2, certSerialNumber3, signature,
                        new Name("O=Another Cert Issuer"),
                        new Validity(new Date(), new Date()),
                    new Name(certIssuerName),
                    new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(signature, new byte[10]),
                    null, null, null),
                signature, new byte[10]));
            assertFalse("Certificate should not be presented in CRL "
                    + "because issuer is not the same as CRL issuer",
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        String sigAlgOID = sigAlgNameAndOID[1];

        AlgorithmIdentifier algId = new AlgorithmIdentifier(sigAlgOID);

        // generate a distinguished name using the string
        Name subjectDName = null;
        Name issuerDName = null;
        try {
            subjectDName = new Name(strSubjectDN);

            if (strSubjectDN.equals(strIssuerDN)) {
                issuerDName = subjectDName;
            } else {
                issuerDName = new Name(strIssuerDN);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException(
                    "Failed to generate a distinguished name. ").initCause(e);
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