Package org.apache.hadoop.zebra.schema

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.schema.Schema$ParsedName

    if (fs.exists(path)) {
        ColumnGroup.drop(path, conf);

    schema = new Schema(STR_SCHEMA);

    ColumnGroup.Writer writer = new ColumnGroup.Writer(path, schema, false, path.getName(),
        "pig", "gz", null, null, (short) -1, true, conf);
    TableInserter ins = writer.getInserter("part0", true);

    Tuple row = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    // schema for "r:record..."
    Schema schRecord = writer.getSchema().getColumn(1).getSchema();
    Tuple tupRecord = TypesUtils.createTuple(schRecord);
    Schema schColl = schema.getColumn(3).getSchema();
    DataBag bagColl = TypesUtils.createBag();
    Tuple tupColl1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);
    Tuple tupColl2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    byte[] abs1 = new byte[3];
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    public void configure(JobConf job) {
      bytesKey = new BytesWritable();
      conf = job;
      sortKey = job.get("sortKey");
      try {
        Schema outSchema = BasicTableOutputFormat.getSchema(job);
        tupleRow = TypesUtils.createTuple(outSchema);
        javaObj = BasicTableOutputFormat.getSortKeyGenerator(job);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      } catch (org.apache.hadoop.zebra.parser.ParseException e) {
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    path = fs.getWorkingDirectory();
    System.out.println("path =" + path);

    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();

    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);
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    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);

    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);

    Tuple tupRecord1;
    try {
      tupRecord1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema.getColumnSchema("r1")
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple tupRecord2;
    try {
      tupRecord2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema.getColumnSchema("r2")
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple tupRecord3;
    try {
      tupRecord3 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f3:float, f4"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    // row 1
    tuple.set(0, true); // bool
    tuple.set(1, 1); // int
    tuple.set(2, 1001L); // long
    tuple.set(3, 1.1); // float
    tuple.set(4, "hello world 1"); // string
    tuple.set(5, new DataByteArray("hello byte 1")); // byte

    // r1:record(f1:int, f2:long
    tupRecord1.set(0, 1);
    tupRecord1.set(1, 1001L);
    tuple.set(6, tupRecord1);

    // r2:record(r3:record(f3:float, f4))
    tupRecord2.set(0, tupRecord3);
    tupRecord3.set(0, 1.3);
    tupRecord3.set(1, new DataByteArray("r3 row 1 byte array "));
    tuple.set(7, tupRecord2);

    // m1:map(string)
    Map<String, String> m1 = new HashMap<String, String>();
    m1.put("a", "A");
    m1.put("b", "B");
    m1.put("c", "C");
    tuple.set(8, m1);

    // m2:map(map(int))
    HashMap<String, Map> m2 = new HashMap<String, Map>();
    Map<String, Integer> m3 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    m3.put("m311", 311);
    m3.put("m321", 321);
    m3.put("m331", 331);
    Map<String, Integer> m4 = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    m4.put("m411", 411);
    m4.put("m421", 421);
    m4.put("m431", 431);
    m2.put("x", m3);
    m2.put("y", m4);
    tuple.set(9, m2);

    // c:collection(f13:double, f14:float, f15:bytes)
    DataBag bagColl = TypesUtils.createBag();
    Schema schColl = schema.getColumn(10).getSchema();
    Tuple tupColl1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);
    Tuple tupColl2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);
    byte[] abs1 = new byte[3];
    byte[] abs2 = new byte[4];
    tupColl1.set(0, 3.1415926);
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    // drop any previous tables
    BasicTable.drop(path, conf);
    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);

    Tuple record1;
    try {
      record1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f1:int, f2:string"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple record2;
    try {
      record2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f1:int, f2:string"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple record3;
    try {
      record3 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f1:int, f2:string"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
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    BasicTable.drop(path, conf);
    // Build Table and column groups
    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);

    Tuple tupRecord1;
    try {
      tupRecord1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema.getColumnSchema("r1")
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple tupRecord2;
    try {
      tupRecord2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema.getColumnSchema("r2")
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple tupRecord3;
    try {
      tupRecord3 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f3:float, f4:map(int)"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    HashMap<String, Long> map1 = new HashMap<String, Long>();
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    // drop any previous tables
    BasicTable.drop(path, conf);
    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);
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    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);


    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);

    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);
    DataBag bag1 = TypesUtils.createBag();
    Schema schColl = schema.getColumn(0).getSchema().getColumn(0).getSchema();
    Tuple tupColl1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);
    Tuple tupColl2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl);

    DataBag bag2 = TypesUtils.createBag();
    Schema schColl2 = schema.getColumn(1).getSchema().getColumn(0).getSchema();
    Tuple tupColl2_1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl2);
    Tuple tupColl2_2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(schColl2);
    Tuple collRecord1;
    try {
      collRecord1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f1:int, f2:string"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    Tuple collRecord2;
    try {
      collRecord2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("f1:int, f2:string"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    // c3:collection(c3_1:collection(e:int,f:bool))
    DataBag bag3 = TypesUtils.createBag();
    DataBag bag3_1 = TypesUtils.createBag();
    DataBag bag3_2 = TypesUtils.createBag();

    Tuple tupColl3_1 = null;
    try {
      tupColl3_1 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("e:int,f:bool"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    Tuple tupColl3_2;
    try {
      tupColl3_2 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("e:int,f:bool"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

    Tuple tupColl3_3 = null;
    try {
      tupColl3_3 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("e:int,f:bool"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    Tuple tupColl3_4;
    try {
      tupColl3_4 = TypesUtils.createTuple(new Schema("e:int,f:bool"));
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
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    // drop any previous tables
    BasicTable.drop(path, conf);
    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);
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    // drop any previous tables
    BasicTable.drop(path, conf);
    BasicTable.Writer writer = new BasicTable.Writer(path, STR_SCHEMA,
        STR_STORAGE, conf);
    Schema schema = writer.getSchema();
    Tuple tuple = TypesUtils.createTuple(schema);
    BasicTable.Writer writer1 = new BasicTable.Writer(path, conf);
    int part = 0;
    TableInserter inserter = writer1.getInserter("part" + part, true);
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.zebra.schema.Schema$ParsedName

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