Configuration conf = new Configuration();
conf.setClass(YarnConfiguration.RM_SCHEDULER, FifoScheduler.class,
MockRM rm = new MockRM(conf);
FifoScheduler fs = (FifoScheduler) rm.getResourceScheduler();
int rack_num_0 = 0;
int rack_num_1 = 1;
// Add 4 nodes in 2 racks
// host_0_0 in rack0
String host_0_0 = "";
RMNode n1 =
MockNodes.newNodeInfo(rack_num_0, MockNodes.newResource(4 * GB), 1, host_0_0);
fs.handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n1));
// host_0_1 in rack0
String host_0_1 = "";
RMNode n2 =
MockNodes.newNodeInfo(rack_num_0, MockNodes.newResource(4 * GB), 1, host_0_1);
fs.handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n2));
// host_1_0 in rack1
String host_1_0 = "";
RMNode n3 =
MockNodes.newNodeInfo(rack_num_1, MockNodes.newResource(4 * GB), 1, host_1_0);
fs.handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n3));
// host_1_1 in rack1
String host_1_1 = "";
RMNode n4 =
MockNodes.newNodeInfo(rack_num_1, MockNodes.newResource(4 * GB), 1, host_1_1);
fs.handle(new NodeAddedSchedulerEvent(n4));
// Add one application
ApplicationId appId1 = BuilderUtils.newApplicationId(100, 1);
ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId1 = BuilderUtils.newApplicationAttemptId(
appId1, 1);
SchedulerEvent event1 =
new AppAttemptAddedSchedulerEvent(appAttemptId1, "queue", "user");
List<ContainerId> emptyId = new ArrayList<ContainerId>();
List<ResourceRequest> emptyAsk = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
// Allow rack-locality for rack_1, but blacklist host_1_0
// Set up resource requests
// Ask for a 1 GB container for app 1
List<ResourceRequest> ask1 = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
"rack1", BuilderUtils.newResource(GB, 1), 1));
ResourceRequest.ANY, BuilderUtils.newResource(GB, 1), 1));
fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, ask1, emptyId, Collections.singletonList(host_1_0), null);
// Trigger container assignment
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n3));
// Get the allocation for the application and verify no allocation on blacklist node
Allocation allocation1 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation1", 0, allocation1.getContainers().size());
// verify host_1_1 can get allocated as not in blacklist
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n4));
Allocation allocation2 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation2", 1, allocation2.getContainers().size());
List<Container> containerList = allocation2.getContainers();
for (Container container : containerList) {
Assert.assertEquals("Container is allocated on n4",
container.getNodeId(), n4.getNodeID());
// Ask for a 1 GB container again for app 1
List<ResourceRequest> ask2 = new ArrayList<ResourceRequest>();
// this time, rack0 is also in blacklist, so only host_1_1 is available to
// be assigned
ResourceRequest.ANY, BuilderUtils.newResource(GB, 1), 1));
fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, ask2, emptyId, Collections.singletonList("rack0"), null);
// verify n1 is not qualified to be allocated
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n1));
Allocation allocation3 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation3", 0, allocation3.getContainers().size());
// verify n2 is not qualified to be allocated
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n2));
Allocation allocation4 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation4", 0, allocation4.getContainers().size());
// verify n3 is not qualified to be allocated
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n3));
Allocation allocation5 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation5", 0, allocation5.getContainers().size());
fs.handle(new NodeUpdateSchedulerEvent(n4));
Allocation allocation6 = fs.allocate(appAttemptId1, emptyAsk, emptyId, null, null);
Assert.assertEquals("allocation6", 1, allocation6.getContainers().size());
containerList = allocation6.getContainers();
for (Container container : containerList) {
Assert.assertEquals("Container is allocated on n4",