Package org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container

Examples of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerImpl

                firstContainerID, InetAddress.getByName("localhost")
                    .getCanonicalHostName(), 1234, user, resource,
                currentTime + 10000, 123, "password".getBytes(), currentTime));
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(firstContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 2) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should only be one!", 1,
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of container for the app should be one!",
            1, appToContainers.get(appId1).size());

        // Checks on the NM end
        ConcurrentMap<ContainerId, Container> activeContainers =
        Assert.assertEquals(1, activeContainers.size());

        // Give another container to the NM.
        ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID =
            ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId2, 0);
        ContainerId secondContainerID =
            ContainerId.newInstance(appAttemptID, heartBeatID);
        ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = recordFactory
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String user = "testUser";
        Resource resource = BuilderUtils.newResource(3, 1);
        ContainerTokenIdentifier containerToken = BuilderUtils
                secondContainerID, InetAddress.getByName("localhost")
                    .getCanonicalHostName(), 1234, user, resource,
                currentTime + 10000, 123, "password".getBytes(), currentTime));
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(secondContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 3) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should have two!", 2,
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        throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(e);
    // //////////// End of parsing credentials

    Container container = new ContainerImpl(getConfig(), this.dispatcher,
        launchContext, credentials, metrics);
    ApplicationId applicationID =
    if (context.getContainers().putIfAbsent(containerID, container) != null) {
          AuditConstants.START_CONTAINER, "ContainerManagerImpl",
          "Container already running on this node!",
          applicationID, containerID);
      throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Container " + containerIDStr
          + " already is running on this node!!");

    // Create the application
    Application application =
        new ApplicationImpl(dispatcher, this.aclsManager,
          launchContext.getUser(), applicationID, credentials, context);
    if (null ==
        context.getApplications().putIfAbsent(applicationID, application)) {"Creating a new application reference for app "
          + applicationID);
          new ApplicationInitEvent(applicationID, container

    // TODO: Validate the request
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    Credentials credentials = parseCredentials(launchContext);

    Container container =
        new ContainerImpl(getConfig(), this.dispatcher, launchContext,
          credentials, metrics, containerTokenIdentifier);
    ApplicationId applicationID =
    if (context.getContainers().putIfAbsent(containerId, container) != null) {
      NMAuditLogger.logFailure(user, AuditConstants.START_CONTAINER,
        "ContainerManagerImpl", "Container already running on this node!",
        applicationID, containerId);
      throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Container " + containerIdStr
          + " already is running on this node!!");

    try {
      if (!serviceStopped) {
        // Create the application
        Application application =
            new ApplicationImpl(dispatcher, this.aclsManager, user,
              applicationID, credentials, context);
        if (null == context.getApplications().putIfAbsent(applicationID,
          application)) {
"Creating a new application reference for app "
              + applicationID);

            new ApplicationInitEvent(applicationID, container

          new ApplicationContainerInitEvent(container));
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                firstContainerID, InetAddress.getByName("localhost")
                    .getCanonicalHostName(), 1234, user, resource,
                currentTime + 10000, 123, "password".getBytes(), currentTime));
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(firstContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 2) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should only be one!", 1,
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of container for the app should be one!",
            1, appToContainers.get(appId1).size());

        // Checks on the NM end
        ConcurrentMap<ContainerId, Container> activeContainers =
        Assert.assertEquals(1, activeContainers.size());

        // Give another container to the NM.
        ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID =
            ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId2, 0);
        ContainerId secondContainerID =
            ContainerId.newInstance(appAttemptID, heartBeatID);
        ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = recordFactory
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String user = "testUser";
        Resource resource = BuilderUtils.newResource(3, 1);
        ContainerTokenIdentifier containerToken = BuilderUtils
                secondContainerID, InetAddress.getByName("localhost")
                    .getCanonicalHostName(), 1234, user, resource,
                currentTime + 10000, 123, "password".getBytes(), currentTime));
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(secondContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 3) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should only be one!", 1,
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        throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(e);
    // //////////// End of parsing credentials

    Container container = new ContainerImpl(getConfig(), this.dispatcher,
        launchContext, credentials, metrics);
    ApplicationId applicationID =
    if (context.getContainers().putIfAbsent(containerID, container) != null) {
          AuditConstants.START_CONTAINER, "ContainerManagerImpl",
          "Container already running on this node!",
          applicationID, containerID);
      throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Container " + containerIDStr
          + " already is running on this node!!");

    // Create the application
    Application application =
        new ApplicationImpl(dispatcher, this.aclsManager,
          launchContext.getUser(), applicationID, credentials, context);
    if (null ==
        context.getApplications().putIfAbsent(applicationID, application)) {"Creating a new application reference for app "
          + applicationID);
          new ApplicationInitEvent(applicationID, container

    // TODO: Validate the request
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      ContainerLaunchContext launchContext =
      Container container =
          new ContainerImpl(conf, dispatcher, launchContext, null, metrics) {
        public ContainerState getContainerState() {
          return ContainerState.RUNNING;
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        throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException(e);
    // //////////// End of parsing credentials

    Container container = new ContainerImpl(getConfig(), this.dispatcher,
        launchContext, credentials, metrics);
    ApplicationId applicationID =
    if (context.getContainers().putIfAbsent(containerID, container) != null) {
          AuditConstants.START_CONTAINER, "ContainerManagerImpl",
          "Container already running on this node!",
          applicationID, containerID);
      throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Container " + containerIDStr
          + " already is running on this node!!");

    // Create the application
    Application application =
        new ApplicationImpl(dispatcher, this.aclsManager,
          launchContext.getUser(), applicationID, credentials, context);
    if (null ==
        context.getApplications().putIfAbsent(applicationID, application)) {"Creating a new application reference for app "
          + applicationID);
          new ApplicationInitEvent(applicationID, container

    // TODO: Validate the request
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    ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = request.getContainerLaunchContext();

    Credentials credentials = parseCredentials(launchContext);

    Container container =
        new ContainerImpl(getConfig(), this.dispatcher, launchContext,
          credentials, metrics, containerTokenIdentifier);
    ApplicationId applicationID =
    if (context.getContainers().putIfAbsent(containerId, container) != null) {
      NMAuditLogger.logFailure(user, AuditConstants.START_CONTAINER,
        "ContainerManagerImpl", "Container already running on this node!",
        applicationID, containerId);
      throw RPCUtil.getRemoteException("Container " + containerIdStr
          + " already is running on this node!!");

    // Create the application
    Application application =
        new ApplicationImpl(dispatcher, this.aclsManager, user, applicationID,
          credentials, context);
    if (null == context.getApplications().putIfAbsent(applicationID,
      application)) {"Creating a new application reference for app " + applicationID);

        new ApplicationInitEvent(applicationID, container.getLaunchContext()

      new ApplicationContainerInitEvent(container));
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              .newContainerToken(firstContainerID, "localhost", 1234, user,
                resource, currentTime + 10000, 123, "password".getBytes(),
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(firstContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 2) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should only be one!", 1,
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of container for the app should be one!",
            1, appToContainers.get(appId1).size());

        // Checks on the NM end
        ConcurrentMap<ContainerId, Container> activeContainers =
        Assert.assertEquals(1, activeContainers.size());

        // Give another container to the NM.
        ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptID =
            ApplicationAttemptId.newInstance(appId2, 0);
        ContainerId secondContainerID =
            ContainerId.newInstance(appAttemptID, heartBeatID);
        ContainerLaunchContext launchContext = recordFactory
        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String user = "testUser";
        Resource resource = BuilderUtils.newResource(3, 1);
        ContainerTokenIdentifier containerToken =
              .newContainerToken(secondContainerID, "localhost", 1234, user,
                resource, currentTime + 10000, 123,
                "password".getBytes(), currentTime));
        Container container =
            new ContainerImpl(conf, mockDispatcher, launchContext, null,
              mockMetrics, containerToken);
        this.context.getContainers().put(secondContainerID, container);
      } else if (heartBeatID == 3) {
        // Checks on the RM end
        Assert.assertEquals("Number of applications should only be one!", 1,
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      Token containerToken =
          BuilderUtils.newContainerToken(containerId, "", 1234, user,
            BuilderUtils.newResource(1024, 1), currentTime + 10000L, 123,
            "password".getBytes(), currentTime);
      Container container =
          new ContainerImpl(conf, dispatcher, launchContext,
            null, metrics,
            BuilderUtils.newContainerTokenIdentifier(containerToken)) {

            public ContainerState getContainerState() {
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Related Classes of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.nodemanager.containermanager.container.ContainerImpl

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